- IX -

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What the hell did I do?

"But they are all boys!"

"I know, but it is not that bad as you think, it is nothing but a great idea. I'll tell you again: the band needs more audience and also... Girl fans need a role model to follow, her maners and fashion... You know, female talent... YOUR female talent" The manager is looking at me with pleading eyes, but I can't stop worrying about the fact that they all look like they'd eat me in just one bite. I was never good with boys, mother always told me about being careful in the way I got related to male and working with a bunch of those makes me want to throw up and cry at the same time.

Buy then, there is a problem.

"You know, there's a high possibility to succeed if you debut with them. On the other hand... we don't have any other girls to form a real all-girls group... if you let go of this opportunity, I'm sure it would take you more than four or more years to debut, and in the worst of the situations, you could lose your opportunity... forever"

Entre la espada y la pared.

"Think about it better. You don't even need to interact with them that much, just practices and recording sessions"

To get our dreams come true, we need to sacrifice a little of ourselves, right?
If I say yes I'm pretty sure my ride to the top would be living hell; but if I say no, I might lose my opportunity to become an idol, and I still need to make my promise, and also help my sister and myself.
Damn, I'm not even in position to think about saying no.

"Okay... I guess I'll do it. I want to be parto of Bant..."

"Bangtan Sonyeondan"

"Whatever that is. When do I start? When would I meet the members? We need to meet as soon as possible so we ca-"
"Not that fast young lady, I knew you would accept, thank you..." I bowed fast so he can continue the explanation. "...As you just said, you and the boys need to meet asap, but we have all prepared. First you need to read this..." And Bang PD handed me 7 folders, I opened the first one letting me see a picture and some kind of curriculum.
"Those are basic information you need to know before meeting them, and this..." He gives me another folder, different color from the rest "...is the game we have been planning to make your introduction a bit... lighter... funnier.... Read all them and get ready because this Friday, we are going to get the band all together!"

He is more than exited about this, but I'm blank, this Friday is too fast, please no!

"Thi-this Friday?"
"Yes! Read the script this is going to be really funny"

I'm at the 24-hours store I worked, I'm quitting right now, miss Kim is so nice, she knew about my dreams, so hearing about the debut in a 'new band' makes her tear a little, she is happy for me. I wish my family would show the same emotion.
The manager said I'm moving to a house so I'm close to the boys and the practice rooms, this is a full-time job; that's why I'm leaving the store and spending the night at the trainees' dorm.

"Ya~ Just one year training and you are going to debut! Lucky you!" Hwasa keeps on hugging me and saying how happy she is about the good news. The only thing I don't like is the fact that the rest of the trainees are hearing the conversation. They never treated me as one of them, I was a ghost for them, whenever I was struggling with choreos and songs, they would laugh about me and if I dare to ask for help, they would simply ignore my presence. That's one of my fears, what if this new seven boys see me the same way this people did?

"Yes Y/N, finally you are debuting, AND LEAVING THIS PLACE!" One of those guys speaks full of sarcasm, the rest of them laughing lightly and I can't help but feel a bit bad, they never really liked me.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now