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"Finally we have... 3 points for keeping him and... 4 points for breaking up"

I choke on the cinnamon tea I was drinking.

"4 points for breaking up?!"
"I'm not lying, you should have the same list with you"

I look at the iPad in front of me, the two lists comparing the options for breaking up or keeping Eunwoo.
Since I couldn't figure out what to do, statistics should help me choose the wiser option.
And Hwasa is right, 3 vs 4, break up wins.

"So... what do you think?"

My best friend asks from the phone. She's calling me from Japan, her company was promoting a new single out of the country.

"Fuck. I guess..."

Hurried footsteps are heard outside my studio before someone enters without even trying to knock.

"Cut the call, we need to talk!"

Jungkook stops in front of my desks, sweat in his temple maybe because of running up three floors to reach my studio since the lift is not working. His usual big eyes are shining with a sparkle I've never saw before.

"I'm calling Hwasa wait a bit" I say locking the IPad before he sees the silly list that helps me make decisions.

"Oh hello, Hwasa-ssi I need to talk to my noona, bye-bye!"

He ends the call without waiting for an answer.

"It was a really important meeting Jungkook-ssi! I hope you have something really important to say"

He smiles widely and sits in front of me.

"Do you remember our friendship date in Hawaii?"

The disgusting discussion about his now forgotten ex girlfriend comes back to my mind. "Kinda... what with that?"

"Do you remember the dolphin we got tattooed?"

I laugh for real this time, I do remember the Henna tattoos.

"This time we're getting tattooed for real"

No way.

"No fricking way, Koo. Really?!"

It was on my bucket list to get few tattoos.

"Wait! I'm not getting your name, you know it"
"I'm not getting yours, either"
"So... what are you getting?"

He smashes the papers on my desk, a picture of me, with a close up to my eyes and beside the perfect lines that draw my right eye in a bigger scale.

"My... eye?"
"YES! It's like having you close to me but without your name. And I'll paint it red so it looks crazy"

My head is processing his crazy idea so I just remind quiet looking fondly at the eye.

"You drew it?"
"No, it was the tattoo artist I make appointments with"

He looks for my gaze when he realizes I keep on staring at the drawing.

"You don't like the idea of me getting... your eye?"

He asks with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"NONO! I do! It just sounds crazy... are you sure of it?"
"Of course... who's more important for me than you?"

It's like a rhetoric question, but the answers is supposed to be me.

"Okay, then get the eye... BUT! If one day you hate me, you'll have a part of me in your skin... forever"
"It's okay for me" He smiles picking up his sketches.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now