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You might don't know this but I started a new book, a mafia one this time where I don't promise a happy ending (or maybe yes) but you should give it a try. I'm trying my best to gift you a neat serious reading and to encourage you to read it, I'll gift you one of the chapters of "Alpha", my new book.


The streets in that dangerous neighborhood in Seoul seemed empty, but if you take a more careful look at it, you'd find lots of scary man camouflaged in the dark of night and walking the same path, the one that takes them to 'The Circle'.

From the outside it looked like an abandoned warehouse, but the motorcycles parked around and the half drunk men talking outside make you think there was something going on inside the not-so-abandoned warehouse.

- Looks like they have full house, uh?

Epsilon, in black sportswear walked behind a short person, who's body seemed to be covered by a single black sweatshirt, the hood covered almost their entire face and their features were hidden by a black mask.

- He is the star here, of course everybody would come to see him fight... Did you know everyone here bet on his victory? No one bet on the new opponent so the committee was about to cancel the bets! - The voice behind the mask came out calmed and raspy, but it was evident it belonged to a girl.

- Don't tell me you...
- Yes! I made Lambda bet on Taurus! We're becoming rich after this~

Epsilon was about to protest but the short girl has already reach the back door, were the special guests or fighters enter.

- I'm Taurus, this is José, my trainer - The girl said pointing to herself and the man behind her respectively

The man guarding the door chuckled at the sight - And I'm the Golden Boxer!

- We're not playing. Let her in, now - Epsilon, whose mission name today was José, demanded in a harsh tone and made the man at the door glup scared.
Who wouldn't, though? The tall and stocky man lookes like ready to tear your body in two with just one simple pull of both hands.

- I'm arriving late. Move - The girl said, now tapping her foot impatiently on the ground.

The guard decided to avoid any problem and announced through his radio 'Taurus is here'. The lady and her trainer got inside and as they were walking farther, the guard talked again through the radio over his shoulder 'Taurus is a girl, keep an eye on them'.

They found a wooden door with a sign where you could poorly read 'Taurus'.

Once inside, the girl lowered her surgical mask and took a deep breath before putting it back up.

- You shouldn't fight with it on - The man complained under his breath.

- If I want 'Alpha' identity to keep unknown, I must wear this. It is not like I'm gonna be out of breathe, though.

Taurus, Alpha's name today, started doing gymnastic stretches, the kind a girl would do when she's about to practice a ballet routine and not a fight worse that the MMA's.

- I never understood why would you make that kind of warming up. You're fighting a monster not performing the 'Swan Lake' for your godfather!

She chuckled at the man so worried for her integrity.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now