- CXII -

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"UGH~ That wasn't the right temperature, Yoongi"

The said man walks closer to Y/N, the lady that's taking out the burned cookies from the oven.

"It was! They said it in the video! OH- Wait... It was 10 minutes for five cookies and 20 minutes for ten..."

The couple eyes their failed pastries.

"Let's try again, don't worry"
Yoongi places a kiss on Y/N's temple to keep her chef sparkle alive.

Again, they place in the tray 5 portion and wait in the kitchen island the correct 10 minutes.

Just as they are chatting, a call in Adora's phone interrupts. Miya's name on the ID caller.

"I'm answering" She tells Suga but she doesn't moves from her place, instead, she picks the call right there and then.

"Hey, Adora... Uhm- This might sound strange but I just remembered you left your car outside my place that night..."
"OHMY- How could I forget ab-"
"Don't worry. I just called ask if you'd like me to drive your car home, I mean, your home"

Adora looks at Yoongi, who's frowning.

"Yeah, I would be so nice of you"
"Could you give me five minutes then, to... talk about what happened?"

Y/N giggles a little, wanting nothing more but to fix things up with her new friend "If you bring my baby safe and sound, then yes"

"Your baby?" Miya asks confused
"My car"
"Oh~ Got it! Yeah, I'll bring it... around 6 o'clock is okay?"

It's half an hour before 6.

"Yes, I'll wait for you in our shared house"

And the call ended.

"What... happened?" Yoongi was afraid of the answer he would get after hearing her arrange a meeting.

"Miya's bringing my car at 6"
"Your car?!"
"Yeah! How could I forget about my dearly car?!"
"You know we could go get another? It wasn't necessary to make her bring it back"

Adora looks at Suga playfully angry.

"How you dare- You pretend me to abandon my baby?! I WANT MY BABY BACK!" She dramatically yells.

But the sound of the fridge being closed with a tud makes the couple turn in its direction; finding a dumbfounded Taehyung with a bowl of strawberries.

"Okay, that sounded kind of out of place... Sorry Tae"

V glares at them up and down like suspecting something that might be true.

"I would've baked cookies better than that, you know?"
Taehyung says and then leaves the kitchen with a strawberry on his mouth.

"Well, damn" She sighs stressed.

The alarm set ten minutes sounds and makes Y/N take her creations out of the oven.

"Ow~ They look perfect this time!"
"I'm texting the boys to come have dinner, then"

Suga and Adora thought cooking dinner for everyone in their free day was a very 'couple thing' to do.

Just as everybody is gathering in the dinning room, the door bell rings making them frown. Y/N realizes that it might be Miya with her precious car so she hurries to open the door.

Six men stayed dumbfounded at her odd behavior but the boyfriend at the moment stays calm in one of the chairs.

The first one to run towards the big windows of the entrance is Jungkook, wanting to know who's the one paying visit to his noona.
Little by little, they get close to the window, Yoongi standing far away to not look that obtrusive.

"Oh God, who's that one with Y/N? Does anyone know him?"
Taehyung asks out loud.

A collective 'No' is heard.

"Oh- Tae, I guess it's a 'her'. Look at her..." Jimin said and the boys look a bit at her chest area.

"But she has like Namjoon's hair cut!" V frowns and everyone looks at the leader, comparing hairstyles.

Jungkook gasps exaggerated "Is s- she... We made her gay?!"

His innocent question makes the hyungs chuckle a little.

"We can't 'make someone gay', Koo. It is everyone's own decision. Perhaps... I don't think she's gay..." Jin calms her maknae down.

They keep on watching the stranger and their interactions.

"Isn't that Adora's precious Jaguar F Type?" Hoseok asks in disbelief when he sees the stranger leaning on the car's door.

"Look at that! The stranger has the car keys in hand!" Jimin reports to the others.

The tension grows minute after minute, but Yoongi seems uninterested in the scene, knowing very well his girl is only repairing her friendship.

"Oh no- She took Adora's hand!" Jimin panicked, but Suga keeps relaxed, maybe it is just a handshake.

"OH NO! THEY'RE HUGGING!" The panic in Jungkook's voice makes Yoongi get closer to the window to find Y/N being hugged, some arms around her waist while her hands are around the stranger's neck.

That's enough. Suga has the intention to go out and stop the scene but Hoseok's hand in his chest stops him. Thanks god, he has a collected soulmate.

Yoongi doesn't stop the scene but Jin did. Following his jealousy, Seokjin stomps till Adora's side, the girls stopped hugging few seconds ago.

"Thanks again for everything, Miy- Seokjin hy-"
"Who are you?"

That low and hard voice coming from Seokjin's throat was never heard by Y/N, thus, chills run down her spine.

"Miya, Y/N's friend. An honor to meet you"

The stranger, that now goes by the name of Miya, doesn't seem intimidated by the deep voice and broad shoulders of the man in front of her.

"So, how can I help you? Seems like this discussion is taking too long?"

Adora elbows Jin discreetly.

"Ah- It's nothing really, I was leaving right now"
"Sorry Miya. Really, don't mind him"
"It's okay, Y/N. See you in next awards, I guess"

Seokjin turns abruptly to Y/N's figure.

"Yeah, see you soon and thanks again"

As Miya leaves the place, Adora turns on her feet, walking back to the house, followed by Jin.

Her small figure enters the household and the seven dumbfounded eyes follow her.

"What?" She asks as if nothing happened "Food's getting cold and Yoongi-ah would get sad" She ignores the men standing there and smirks for herself.

Once that everyone recovered from the shock, one by one take a seat in the dinning room.

"Who was she?" Seokjin asks in a bossy demeanor.
"A friend I knew at a bar"

"What did she want?" Hobi this time.
"To give me back my baby, I accidentally left it at her house"

"YOU ACCIDENTALLY LEFT YOUR CAR?! How's it p- Wait! You and h-"
"No, Jungkook. We're friends, relax~"

Her nonchalant answers make the boys feel uneasy at the clear signal that somebody is winning the girl; not actually seeing that the one that has the upper hand right now, is the man with lazy eyes in front of them, secretly resting one of his hand in Y/N's thigh.

But not all of them are that blind, someone is already picking clues and, with a little luck, he might be able to catch the girl red-handed.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now