- LXXI -

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"As long as we are in a hurry, we'll stay with the choreography we have"
"Did you see what I'm supposed to do? Everything I do in the center is... NONO! Please teacher, let's change it"

I almost cry to convince them of changing the choreography. I'm in the middle and most of the things I do have sexual references, looks like they don't remember the names antis been giving me.

"J-Hope and Jimin chose you as the center of the choreo, please appreciate their efforts and Just. Dance. What. You've. Been. Given."

I glare at both Jimin and Hoseok who are smiling innocently. They gonna pay for this. I breath out defeated.

"Considering the MNet show is in less than two weeks... I guess I'll dance what you have"

They all clapped as I they won a Grammy, but they just convinced the main dancer for the song.

Much much hours of literally blood from our feet, sweat from all our bodies and tears when Jimin hit his head with Jungkook's knee, we sit decently in the round table to discuss the outfits.

"I need ideas" Our Image Coordinator says.
"We can literally use pajamas and people would only pay attention to the dance"

I was sarcastically suggesting pajamas but sometimes they take my sarcasm too serious.

"Nice idea! We need silk pajamas"
"Yoongi hyung, I was-"
"But we need tight pants! Black tight pants for me"
"I was kidding abo-"
"Okay, silk pajamas for you"

And our team takes note of the personal wished for each outfit.

"What special things do you want, Adora-ssi?"

My stylist ask and I raise my shoulders not knowing what to ask for. But internet has always an answer.

One particular set caught my attention. Purple but letting on sight the valley of the model's chest, thighs and legs.

"Something like this"

I show the picture to our stylist and she opens her mouth surprised.

"You sure, darling?"
"Yes, it's all or nothing, I guess"

She takes some notes and measures for the outfit, then leaves.

"Okay, now that you rested a bit, let's go for other couple hours of practice"

I groan internally because my legs are killing me, I'm trying my best to practice using high heels but this feels like a torture.

I hear my own voice in the speakers and raise my face, pushing slowly Hoseok's hand that's covering my eyes.

After some strange and fast poses that show suffering, we change our places and Jimin stays now in the center. We make this sequence of jumps and some kind of game with our hands over our own body.

During the chorus was the same sequence, jumps and our hands over all our body, caressing specifically the crotch and chest area. Whenever I traced my hands over my upper body, I made evident two masses that boys don't have in this size.

Also in the same bridges, the boys would sensually lift their body and then let them fall gracefully making sure everything touch the floor. Like putting butter on a slice of bread.

Then my part goes, where I whisper 'Kiss me' while I open a space between the seven, making the view to focus only on me.
My hands run from my thighs to my waist, I give a twirl and the first to boys beside me fall down, I look back to the front and raise my hands from my waist to somewhere upper than my head, hands rest together in a sensual form, letting the rest of the boys fall. Then I turn around completely, to warp my own hands around my throat, to finally say:

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now