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A last interview. The management asked for one last interview before they let us go on vacation for two months.

So that's why we are, once again, in front of the makeup artist, fixing eyeliner and lips before the interview starts.

The show was without audience, so it was just the interviewer and us.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan! Get to your places, please"

"Fighting, guys. Just this one and we're free for two months"

We are all exhausted, but Namjoon's words reminded us that after this we will rest for a while.

"Okay, Fighting!, then"

We are sitting in front of the lady in charge of the interview, ten seconds before the start.

"Hi viewers! Welcome to your program '3 o'clock' where the must controversial questions are thrown to your favorite artists"

Controversial? Gosh, where did they get us in?

"Today, I'm sitting with one of the bands that's been gathering all the attention, girls and boys around our country have been tracking their music since this last album came out, I'm talking about Bangtan Sonyeondan! Welcome guys! Tell us about your recent album and the details about your past tour, I got to know the small theaters were full!"

"Uhm, yes... Dark & Wild represents a bit of w-"

And he next eight to ten minutes were about the album narrated by Namjoon's calming voice.

"Now... I won't let the opportunity pass! Adora?"

Oh man, not me!

"How have you been feeling around this boys? Haven't you fell in love with them?~"
"Uhm- I mean, they are such nice bandmates, like the older brothers I've never had, they're so kind. But not that kind of love..."
"I'm asking you this because there was that rumor... You know, nobody gets rid of them so I gotta ask..."

Not this shit again

"Are you dating Taehyung?"
"But in the video that we're replaying now in the screen behind me, 'War of Hormone', you look so happy with Taehyung, isn't that a sig-"

"We're best friends there's no need to look for another explanation"
V answers out of nowhere and defends my poor self.

"Thank you, hyung. As he said, we have always been nothing else but best friends, that's all"

"Well, we get it now, just bestfriend"

I smile with lips pressed and the girl changes the cards she has in hand.

"But there's also another information running through this rooms..."

Really? More shit?

"For your birthday, two months ago... What did hyungs give you?"

Suga hurries his words before I answered.

"We let her sing the song she originally work with us, it was a great experience our four energies mixed on stage and... it was my idea, just to be clear"

The interviewer opens her eyes in surprise, of course she didn't expected the boy supporting this 'wrong behavior' but he said I can be who I want to, he's holding his word in camera.

"Wow, well we never expected a boy supporting such a weird behavior in a lady, but I guess that's what makes you good friends!"

What the hell is she trying to say?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now