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She sings with the most heart-breaking voice, pleading to the person in the song to let her love them again.

'Just a little bit of your heart is all I'm asking for'

Hoseok listens from his seat beside the cabin she's recording, wide eyes since this song completely changed from the sample she sent two months ago, when she was still in Paris.

This is a break up song, the pain in her heart can be seen in the way she closes her eyes when singing it although the previous song was about being pleased with what she has: 'No tears left to cry'. What happened to that feeling?

The song ends and Adora looks at her Hobi hyung to ask for an opinion.

"So? Do you think it has enough feelings?"

He sighs siting straight.
"Well, looks like whatever that happened with... well... that guy... really affected you. You even changed the song"

Y/N exited the cabin to sit properly beside Hoseok and talk a bit.

"Guess I'm a bit weak"
"Well, Jimin suddenly got a sidechick, of course it'll hurt"
"Why are you assuming it is Jimin?"
"You kids were too obvious"

•• Flashback ••

"But if we're talking about 'Answer' we need a happy one. The sample you sent before matched th-"

Jimin giggles in the background and everyone turns to him.

"Jimin" Yoongi tries to get him back to the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah. I think the heart design in purple is okay"

"We talked about it 20 minutes ago, Jimin. We said it is going to be a degradation, can you please pay freaking attention?" Jin is kinda stressed out about Jimin's lack of attention "What the hell is so important in your phone?"

Jimin looks from his phone to the band gathered in the meeting room.
"Got a kind of... fuck buddy... It's really funny~"

Everybody in the room gasped at Jimin's statement, even Y/N that was trying to ignore the blonde guy felt the need to make sure he wasn't lying.

Someone else that makes up for what she used to do?

"Dude" It was Namjoon "I'm glad you're enjoying your life but this is no place to say these kind of things, concentrate in what we're doing here"

"Just don't fall in love with her too" Adora said looking back at the notes in front of her, but it was evident the anger and jealousy spit in that sentence.

The rest are not dumb nor deaf, they knew something was on between Jimin and Y/N, but now with these words, it's been shown it didn't end in the best terms.

•• End of flashback ••

"It was... just an accident, back in Paris. Nothing to worry about"
"And, judging from what you told him, he got feelings... from one night?"

It wasn't just one night, it were around two months of their thing.

"Looks like yes"
"Well... he really got attached because he is already in the third new suitor trying to forget"

Y/N also knew that. She sometimes took short glances to Jimin's phone, finding questionable conversations with the suitor in turn. Not to mention that she personally knows the most recent of his suitors. It really hurted her as hell, that's the reason of the new song.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now