- XII -

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"No, it doesn't fit... what should we do?"
We are in the middle of a recording session for the song 'Spine Breaker' and the pre chorus doesn't sound like the producers wanted.

"We could try to change the singers- I mean, I think V-ssi and Jungkook-ssi would sound better. We could try it if you want..."

Everybody turn to me. I might not be an official producer for the album, but I know what I am doing... I also helped writing that song, the problem here is that I'm a woman and the second youngest here so my word is questionable for almost everyone. Eeryone except for my boss, seonsaengnim Namjoon.

"And why are you suggesting things when we didn't ask for?" Taehyung, against me for the fifth time of the day, whispers close to me to sound rude to me but without his hyungs to realize about it.

"Cause she co-wrote that song. Stop it Taehyung" Namjoon defends my miserable self and then adds "Maybe we should try that"

It's been three months since I was added to the band and this been working like this: I got to know three of them are rappers but also produce songs along with other producers, so I was added to the producers' team since I write some lyrics and try to make some chords with a guitar, they decided to teach me how to produce little by little melodies for my projects, so I've been working hard. Even though, I have no specific spot, not rapper or singer, just 'do what you can give to the time', like a wildcard. There are also four singers and two of them professional dancers but I haven't had meaningful interaction with them, except for Taehyung, who keeps on giving me hatefull looks since I arrived and made it clear to me the first week "I don't trust you, you better keep yourself away from me and my hyungs" There's no reason for the hate, but he made it clear, he doesn't like me.
On the other hand, Namjoon, who I identified as my boss is taking care of me, trying to keep Taehyung in his place but also teaching me some producing tips, he's friendly but still giving me shivers whenever I'm with him.
The rest of the group just say 'Hi' and 'Bye' just when needed, this is really uncomfortable.

Back to reality, they decided to try my idea after Namjoon supported it. Now V and Jungkook are singing to the pre-chours I wrote. It sounded nice, just as I imagined and everyone looks pleased with the voices change.

"Good one" The leader turns to me and speaks without smiling.

"We've been here for 4 hours, can we eat something?~" Jimin, who turned out to be a relaxed person, says and everyone agrees to have some meal break.
"We'll bring you the food, wait for it" The staff is ready to take care of their superstars, surprisingly just five of them sit in the studio's floor and relax chatting to each other, Yoongi takes a paper sheet out of his pocket and hands it to Namjoon, who reads the paper and then raises his face as if thinking of something, then turns back to talk to Yoongi, I should stop staring.

"Y/N-ssi, come here please" I was looking at nothing when Namjoon calls me.

"Yes, seonsaengnim?"
"Could you please give us a little help?"
"Sure Namjoon-ssi, how may I help?"
"We've been working on a private piece but we're certainly stuck in this part and we really need to finish it for this album, can you help us with some words?" Namjoon is the only one speaking, Yoongi is just staring at me, waiting for my reaction.
"My h-help? For y-your song?"
Namjoon nods
"Oh y-yes, I'll try my best"
Then Suga hands me the paper he was carrying in his pocket "Your help would be needed at the end of this session, so you can't leave immediately"
So then I'm working extra hours... all for success, right?

After four more hours working on 'Spine Breaker', everyone's pleased with the final results, the song's funny and fresh, of course not letting go of the classic criticism they make to the superficial people; I've learned to understand their point of view, I might not be part of their discussions, but hearing them is more than enough to understand how they want to give teenagers inspiring words, so they raise their voices and fight for a better present and a better future.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now