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"I can't believe you really managed to change the opening song to 'Not Today' just because it's her favorite song"
"It's my way to say 'welcome' to her"

I sigh at his statement, feeling a bit angry with myself. I dragged my personal problems to work and now they had to deal with my sister as an almost daily basis.

"Namjoon-ssi, she's not my child, neither yours-"
"She looks like it's yours"
"That's not the point! I mean... I can take care of her myself, any of you need to feel obligated to interact with her or stuff. You do enough with looking after seven, boss"
"It might sound rude..." He stops looking at himself in the mirror after finishing fixing his silver earring, then places his hand on my right shoulder giving it a light squeeze "... But I do this for you. I've been seeing you stressed out these days"
"The legal shit is killing me... I just want the best for her and brining her with me was the best option at the moment"
"You made the right decision, but nobody said it would be easy... Tho, if you ever need help or someone to talk, you know where to find me"

He ruffs my hair before leaving me alone in the improvised dressing room under Seoul's stage, where we're performing tonight.

Namjoon and I most of the time discuss important business of our work, but lately he's been showing himself as a good hyung to me, always carrying and sweet with me and my sister, he'll surely do a great father in the future.

I turn to the mirror once again to fix the bandana that separates my now orange bangs away from the rest of my hair, with orange endings, that falls in soft waves just above my shoulders.

"Y/N, Fighting!"

I tell to myself so I can finish my duties today.

I hold my phone that's charging over my makeup table and press Anna's name in the screen. After two tones, she answers.

"Hello ~"
"Are you alright?"
"Yes ~ Ms. Chan is taking well care of me"

Ms. Chan, her babysitter, bodyguard and maybe even personal assistant. She is taller than most of the korean women, she has a thin body but a strong voice and a kind heart, perfect to take care of my sister when I'm working.

"Great... Are you here already?"
"Yes, the VIP zone is kinda far from the stage but Namjoon hyung said it's the safest place so..."

Namjoon. He is doing too much for us and even gain my sister's love.

"Glad you hear Namjoon's words at least"
"I listen to yours too ~ "
"I have to admit it, you are obedient, that's nice"

I hear her giggles from the phone, this is her first live concert and she was very excited since early morning when I picked her up to listen to our rehearsal.

"Well, don't leave Ms. Chan's side AND! Enjoy the concert, I love you"
"I will! You enjoy it too, I love you!"

I cut the call. Yes, it might be hard to look after her but her presence is all I need to feel recharged.

I rush towards the hallway that takes us to the main stage. The closer I get the louder the screams from ARMY get. I smile at the idea of fulfilling my dream once again.

I find the seven partners standing at the bottom of the stairs, all of them wearing sport-like clothes, matching the thematic of 'Not Today' MV.
Once again, I glance at my red sweatpants and fix the laces where it is 'broken', it is stylish but also uncomfortable.

"You ready?" Jin caress my arm while talking to me, they all know how nervous I am because of the thought that this is the first time my sister is going to see what I do for living, I better give my best.

"More than ever" I smile at him.
"Good to hear that, because we are two minutes late" Suga says while looking at the big digital clock hanging to our left.

Our motto is said once again and one by one, we go up on the stage when the music starts.

I'm too focused in not making any mistake in the choreography, but when we make a pause to greet the audience, I realize about how big we became.
We worked hard, that's for sure... But I believe in perseverance, is there something better than this?

I don't think so.

"Hi! I'm Bangtan Sonyeondan's Savage Maknae, Adora!"

The nickname fits me well, so now the music industry knows that the Savage Maknae belongs to BTS, just as Jungkook, the Golden Maknae does.

The cheering intensifies when I say my stage name, making me forget that outside this walls there are people who don't really like our group or me in specific.

While the solo numbers are performed I fix the black loose dress I wear, then feeling a bust of confidence when I find my sister in the crowd. She is cheering excitedly and recording every second of the performances.

There was just a problem, when we performed 'Baepsae', from the last album, I got all shy. I can't act that flirty and seductive with my sister here. I couldn't act as I always did with this song, making me look all cute and flustered during all the dance, I couldn't even answer V's flirty moves, something I always did, so now, I'm being teased by the members during the pause for the next part of the concert.

Now that our leader talks a bit with the audience, I take a minute to look around, hundreds of lights sparkling from right to left and from bottom to top.
Then I watch the closest fans in front of me, their happy eyes, some with tears on them makes me think we really got under their skin, in a good way, the way where something makes you love your life.

A weird kind of love, innit?

They are here for us, exited to any little movement we make and any little sound we emit. That would make people from outside this love think the fans are crazy.
But then I see myself about to cry of happiness whenever one of them smile and waves enthusiastically at me, how my heart flutters when they scream my name loudly for me to hear or how my heart and theirs connect when they put their feelings out while singing to our songs. That makes me think I love this people I don't know personally. So then I ask, who's the crazy?

None, we are just part of a hard-to-undesrtand kind of love.

I get out of my trance when Jimin looks at me, motioning I need to say the lines I practiced so we can get off the stage.

"ARMY! I want you to enjoy every moment here with us, so! I want you to keep on chanting our names until we're back. Okay? We'll be right back"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now