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(A/N:Go back to chapter • XXXII • so you know the context of the next one)

"Y/N, time to go"

Now Namjoon extends his hand to her and she laughs at Taehyung's joke before holding Namjoon's hand, that would help her get on the plataform with wheels that transport the Rap Line from stage A to B.

Yoongi kept that uneasy feeling in his mouth and mind. She's been around everyone but him, did she already choose one that it's not him?

His thoughts stop immediately when the plataform lifts them to the stage B. Everyone ready for the song.

Suga, before the song, feels a tiny hand squeezing his, in a reassurance movement. He looks down to meet the shiny honey eyes of Adora, and that's enough for him to remember how whipped he is for her.

The song starts, and just as the stylist said, Adora gives her all for the song, a song the whole Rap Line wrote, having slightly differences in the meaning but the four converged in one single thing: Adora is Bangtan's tear.

Tonight the song felt heavier for Yoongi, their hidden relationships turned five months old, and he wanted to make something special, but does she even remember it?

This question goes back and forth inside Suga's mind, and without even realizing, the concert has already ended, he's walking through the hallway to his new hotel room.

He enters the room, still with his mind in the clouds when sound of a BOOM! and confetti falling over his shoulders surprised him, even making him bump into the coffee table.


The girl grins widely at the dumbfounded guy.

"Did you... did you forget abou-" She asks saddened at Suga's reaction.
"NONONO!" He runs towards her and hugs her figure before she could overthink anything "Happy five months, darling" He kisses her temple "I'm so glad to have you" He ended.

She was about to get sad at Yoongi's ignorance of their special date, but now that he said that she hugs him tighter.
"I got something for you!"

She got a small black box from her jacket "Happy five months, Yoongi-ah"

He opened the box expectantly, finding a ring, the initial of Y/N's name with encrusted diamonds.

"A- And this?"
"You wear rings, and I thought you wearing my initial would be romantic"

He thought for a bit, wouldn't it be revealing their deep bond?
At this point he didn't care that much, he would've like to scream his love for her to the whole world, but for their own safety, he'll keep it quiet.

He lovingly took the ring and placed it in his right hand, in the ring finger. He always kept that finger free, for the moment when he would find someone special, looks like he found them.

"The ring finger, so you know I keep you close to my heart"

Adora thought she was being cheesy with that gift but Yoongi is in another level of tenderness. Her face light up redder than a cherry, smiling shyly at her boyfriend.

"Now~ My gift"

He walked to his luggage, picking an squared red box, heavy in his hands.

"Happy five, darling"

With big shiny eyes, she opened the box. There lays a heavy silver chain, Suga's well-known chain, Adora's favorite jewelry. She sometimes borrowed the chain for some performance, since it made her feel empowered and somehow closer to the owner.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now