- I know I have something to return to -

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'I choose her. I'm going home'

The short man read the text while walking down the street by his soulmate's side.

"Jungkookie made his choice~" Jimin jumps excitedly while both 95's walk down the not-so-busy streets in Amsterdam.

"And for that jumps I bet he chose to stay by her side"

Taehyung, in a long brown coat and an elegant beret smiles down to the man beside him in all-black leather outfit.

"Yes~ Told you he is in love just as much as we are"

Unlike the other brothers, this couple understood perfectly how Y/N feels.

They had, just like her, their struggles when defining feelings.

Jimin and Taehyung have loved each other so fondly -maybe- since high-school. They were destined together since day one, that's why, since the early years of the band, they could say each other 'I love you'.

But when Adora arrived to their lives Jimin started to feel something foe Y/N, not only the kind of attraction for the opposite sex, but something deeper. This leaded Taehyung to snap eyes away from the short guy to someone else, Jungkook, whose sweet personality managed to mesmerize V so the latest end up falling.

Then there enters the secret crush Jimin always had for Jungkook, which evolved over the years to be a complete love; without forgetting about the farce Tae and Y/N staged and that ended up with real feelings.

None of those feelings from the different stories faded away, in fact, it apparently grew stronger with every second they lived away from the others.
Because, to be honest, the 95's also caught feelings for the rest of the brothers, each one of their feelings so different yet with the same weight to make their hearts pound crazily in love.

"What do you think the others will do, Jimin-ah?" Taehyung wondered as they walk in front of some jewelry stores.

"I'm a bit worried... Some of them are... like so scared to love that they might let go of her" Jimin lets the fake scenarios in his mind replay, he wouldn't like to see the girl, or the boys suffering for the beautiful love they surely deserve but let go because of their own fears.

"The problem is that we can't really talk to them about this... They're stubborn as hell" Taehyung looks at the ground as he remembers their hyungs' personas.

"Therefore... this needs to be their own decision" Jimin reasoned with the younger guy.

Taehyung nods, understanding Jimin's point.

"I just pray my angels for us all to have a happy ending, you know... these kind of feelings are hard to find"

"You know what else is hard to find?"
Jimin stopped suddenly in front of a store "This ring!"

The older of the 95's points to the ring laying in a velvety box, it was a silver rose but with red diamonds to the sides. Something Adora would love to use on and off stage.

"She'd love it" Taehyung says as the same sparkle Jimin's eyes have, appears in his own eyes.

"Let's get it"

Both made their way in and got the ring, packed in an elegant velvety box; they also got matching necklaces with a four-leaf clover for each.

"Isn't it crazy how now our world turns around her?" V asks once again, when the pleasant image of Adora smiling at the gift appears in his mind.

"It is how it works" Jimin smiles as the cold breeze of Amsterdam goes pass his nostrils "You first want to kick her out of the band and the next thing you know is that your buying a ring for her"

The short guy teases the boy beside him, managing to get a shy smile and red ears from Taehyung.

"Oh c'mon! Don't talk about it when you tried to get her back making her jealous! That was surely dumb!" Taehyung teased even harder and both brought to laughter; of course they acted dumb, too blinded by love.

"No but... think about all this" Jimin paused in the middle of the street, just the far sound of cars and some birds interrupting the silence "Don't you feel like..."

"There's missing something? Yeah" Tae looked at his shoes, why this empty hole in his heart?

"The unfamiliar feeling of missing something... For someone like us, who have accomplished everything... It's the clear sign that we need her"

V looked from his feet the velvet box he was holding. Taking a look to the gift, he smiled, Chim is right.

"It's her what's missing" Tae whispers.
"That's why we shouldn't be sad, we still have someone to return to... Y/N"

Those two always looked like the nonchalant flirty dudes, but they were wise and full of true feelings, and it shows now, in the middle of a crossroad in Amsterdam.

They're ready to love and to be loved, they have a house to return to: Y/N.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now