- XCIV -

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The chapter ahead contains explicitly mature content (just a bit).
If you're sensitive to the topic or it is not of your liking, feel free to skip the chapter and wait for the next one, or read till the butterfly emoji, that's the only information you need to know.
If you decide to keep on reading after this warning, enjoy it.


Was it a cabin or Hyukjoon's car? They don't remember. They didn't mind, actually.

It was just the feeling of the moment that made them arrive safely to the apartment.

He remembers to be pointing to a car while feeling Y/N on his neck. Then she climbing over him while they were in the backseat.

Did she really surrender? The blonde Jimin asked himself.

Stumbling all the way to their door, because the hurried kisses they shared were distracting them from entering to the apartment.

"Let me -" She place a kiss on his lips before snatching the keys out of his clumsy fingers "- open for you" Another kiss for him.

This is the euphoria Jimin always dreamed of when he looks at Y/N in all her glory, smart yet innocent.

The door opens with a tud and Jimin jumps back to attack her red wine lips.
The door is closed with the back of the lady since Jimin couldn't wait for a proper closing.

Now that Y/N is pressed between the door and Jimin's body, he takes the time to admire her slowly under the dim moonlight that sneaks through the big window behind him.

The boots where high enough for them to have almost the same height, that gives her an air of dominance over him.

The red leather pants make her thighs and hips exquisite for his hands to caress, press and slap.

Then the abdomen, oh, that clean abdomen of hers! It always drove him and his brothers crazy, to think how could she have a small waist and heart-stopping chubby hips. His hands dance all the way up on these mortal curves of hers.

He omitted the chest area, otherwise he would get more of the sinful thoughts that swim in his mind, but he places a kiss over her cleavage.

Then his hands drive from her tensed shoulders, over her arms to her thin wrist, and pins her arms with one only hand above her head. The free hand holds gently her chin, so he can take his time to admire her jaw, cheekbones, the red lips inviting him to succumb to his deepest desire, then the cute button nose and finally the honey eyes, not because of the color, but because there was always some sweet sensation in her eyes, now there were also two more things in them: lust and fear.

"Are you sure you wanted to come home for... this?"

He silently refers to the situation they are now. And she can't lie to the big brown eyes in front of her. She would never be able to lie to them.

"I do. But the band... I wasn't allowed to get in any situation of this kind with any of you... That was one of the arrangements to get in the band"
"I know" They meet gazes "You know why Jungkook never asked you out, even tho he was evidently in love?"

She shakes her head no.

"Namjoon realized about that and made him promise he would never give a step farther in your friendship... for the great of the team"

That's why he was close to her and then far away. Makes sense for her.

"And it didn't stopped there" He released her hands so she can listen to the story in a more proper position "After the 'Run' MV, Hobi hyung admitted he confessed his feelings to you, but you say nothing..."

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now