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After receiving the call of a teary Adora, Miya got in her motorcycle and drove fast all the way to the fancy apartment.

The small figure of Y/N came out running from the apartment, the shadow of a man in the door frozen in the entrance.

"Miya! Thanks for coming" Adora said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.
"That's what friends do, right? C'mon, get on the motorcycle"

Adora sits behind Miya, wrapping her arms around her waist and the taller girl immediately drives far from Yoongi's place.

The girls arrived to Y/N's place, house empty since Anna came back to her own place for final exams.

"You live here?" Miya asks in owe
"Yes, this is mine"
"Huge place for only one person"

Adora laughs at it "Yeah, sometimes it feels a bit lonely" Adora pauses as an idea pops in her mind "Let's go partying"

Miya, who was busy looking at the picture in the walls, turns at the shorter one, dumbfounded.

"Going out? Are you sure? I mean... you were crying few minutes ago..."
"Yeah but... I don't want to keep on feeling miserable, I need to forget about it all for sometime"

"I found a new club, close to my place... maybe we could visit it for the first time tonight" Miya suggested.
"Great! Give me some time to get ready! Feel free to relax here" and Y/N runs to her bedroom to get ready to forget.


The new pub was crowded at the fullest capacity. Looks like Thursday is the new day to party, not Friday anymore.

It was a luxurious place, everyone in suits or long dresses.
Miya is wearing an all black suit, and a leather belt that shows off the small waist of hers. Adora on the other hand, wears a beautiful red silk dress tight to her curves, with an opening in her left leg. She always looks good in red, like her hidden power.

This time there was no shame for Y/N, she drank from everything in the list of beverages, not caring about the money because the black card in her hand was enough to get everything she commanded. Miya just enjoyed the view of the beautiful lady in a fancy dress wasting her money in alcohol while she's just sitting there, one leg crossed over the other nonchalantly with a cigarette in hand.

It takes at least an hour to get Y/N tipsy and drag Miya to the dance floor, her true intentions coming to light when Miya holds Adora's waits possessively.

But Adora pays no mind to it, that was, after all, her plan. Forget about seven boys with the help of the girl dancing in front of her, thus, Adora makes the first move and kisses Miya eagerly, the Japanese girl kissing back with the same energy even if the other one is far from tipsy.

Adora gets all giggly when she realizes Miya is willing, unconsciously, to help her forget; so both girls come back to the table and get much more drinks.

The next hour Adora gets touchy with her Japanese friend and the last one just enjoys the soft small hands caressing her arms.

When Y/N is officially drunk, she decides to sit on Miya's lap, her face close to her friend's, just one step away from making out in one of the VIP couches in the club.

"You shouldn't be doing such a dangerous move, Adora" Miya whispers for the girl sitted in her lap.

"Why?" Adora asks
"Once I start, I don't stop... and we're in a public place so..."
"Oh~ you're worried about the eyes! Then let's hit back to my place"
"Mine is closer"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now