- XCII -

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The whole flight to Paris was filled with sad songs. I didn't let out any tear because letting people see me crying makes me feel ridiculous, so I stop my tears eating the chocolates I bought before the flight.

My phone buzz in my pocket and I see a text from Jungkook.

'I'll land in two hours, you?'
'We're going to Disneyland.
Already told Jimin'

I could only replay with a simple 'in about an hour'.

Feeling sad really sucks.

I needed to wait for Jungkook in the French Airport, Jimin would pick us up an take us to the apartment he rented for his travel. The power of money, I guess.

"NONNA!" Jungkook appears in front of me, jumping excitedly. Does he always have this much energy?

"Hey~" I greet with not so much energy and he noticed it.

"What's wrong? You okay?" He speaks with a softer voice and puts his hands in my cheeks, making me meet his gaze.

His warm touch makes my heart soften and I start crying.

"Oi, what happened?" I sob in his embrace and decide to tell half of the story.

"I guess I fell in love but... We can't be together"
"You and... Eu-"
"No. Let's not give a name"
"Oh. Okay..." He caressed my back slowly "... Then let's not say his name. You'll be alright"

It wasn't about Eunwoo, it was the failed confession but he didn't need to know it. He can't know it, actually.

Jimin arrived later, when my puffy eyes disappeared.

"Happy birthday, Jimin-ssi!" Jungkook yelled out loud when we got into the rented car.

"Happy birthday, Jiminie~" I say in a more normal tone, sitting in the back seat.

"We are going to Disneyland, right?"
The sparkling eyes of Jimin today said how happy Disney makes him feel.

"Yes but I'll drive, you are the birthday boy today"

Jungkook and Jimin changed seats and after a long drive, we're finally parking in the big amusement park.

The first thing I could see was the big castle, just like I saw in the movies.
Jimin takes mine and Jungkook's hand, dragging us to the entrance.

It was crowded, really crowded, but thanks to that we could run here, there and everywhere without catching the attention of fans or people there.

Expect for the moment when the euphoric boys came back from the highest roller coaster. I didn't ride it, because we were three and being alone in that monster wasn't a good idea for me. But the guys insisted it was the best ride ever and passed around four times on it, every time screaming and laughing louder than the past ride; and of course, adults and children looked at us like I was the old mama taking care of the two scandalous kids.

"AGH! I'm done! At least let me do one ride with Jimin" I pout at Jungkook, who was ready to wait in the line again.

"Okay, go with Jimin. I'll go alone"

That single ride was enough for me to feel how the meal I had in the plane danced in my stomach at a thousands miles per hour. I was really dizzy.

Coming down from the dramatic experience, I invited both to get on the merry-go-round, perfect for my brain to stop twirling in my skull and also to get pretty pictures of us.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now