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Jin's POV

Our dance leader is, again, leading this new choreography and, to be honest, my brain doesn't works as fast as his when we talk about dancing.

"So again! Left shoulder, right shoulder, left hip, right hip"

All of us repeating the moves in sync.

"Exactly! Now arms and kick and head to the sides..."

We all do the same Hoseok does, this head movement is getting me dizzy.

"Great! I'm so proud of you!" And he claps for us like a proud mom, he scares the shit out of me when he leads the dance, he changes moods so easily, just one hour ago he scolded us about how horrible we moved our hips.

"Now, the next thing is the same steps but faster, like... Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam no kick, and head... du-ru-ru-ru" he moves like a demon and now I forget what I just learned.

That's when things get complicated.

Half of us looked so confused, our other dancers and of course our gifted kid got the choreo at once.

"Practice it, because that's the only part missing for the song"

This last hour of practice, we all work by each of ourselves, each one of us works in front of the mirrors practicing the parts that confuse each.

I'm, of course, stuck on the chorus.

Little by little almosr everyone leaves the practice room after getting to understand the dance, reminding just me and Y/N, who is looking at me without saying a single word.

"Oppa~ it is not like that~"
After long ten minutes, she dares to speak up.

"Little one~ Help me~"

She stands up in front of me, holds my hands with her cold small ones and guide my arms where they're supposed to move.

"Like this, then try the same but a little faster and then a bit more faster until you get it"

To be honest, I was just looking at her eyes

"Uh.. Mhmm..." I smiled at her and she returns a sweet smile, gosh this girl...

"I'm watching, go ahead!"

She sits behind me and watch attentively at my movements.

"You got it, just try to speed up in the second part"
"I understood the dance, but Jimin, Hoseok and you make me nervous"

She laughs sweetly.

"You dance very well... And Hobi yells too much"
"Don't worry, I'll tell hyung to not yell at my oppa, okay?~"

If she keeps treating me like this I'm gonna forget about the damn promise.

"Okay, little one"
"Want me to help you with another part of the dance?"

I'll think about it.

"Your hips"

But I opened my mouth without thinking.

"What?" Her big eyes look confused at me.

"Oh! NONO! My hips! I mean, the next thing after this!"

She stands beside me this time and puts her arms up, just as Hobi did hours ago.

"It's like if you were sitting in the air... and then you push up, like trying to stand up but sitting in the air immediately after"

And she does the movement once again.

"Why does Hobi looks masculine and you look so cute?"

It was a thought for myself but looks like today I'm not controlling what comes out of my mouth.

"I guess I'm cuter than him"
"You weren't supposed to hear that but... anyways, I'll practice this"

She returns to her sit and I make the whole choreography again, this time almost perfect.

"That's cool, hyung. With the practice tomorrow you surely move just like Hobi hyung"
"Whish I could dance like that... But I won't so I guess I deserve a good dinner and so you do... Wanna have dinner with me?"

If I'm not allowed to date her, at least I can spoil her as if we were dating.

"But... don't you need to cook for the rest?"
"No, they big boys, you know? They can cook for themselves..."

I get my phone and call Yoongi.

"Yoongi-ah? Oh, HI! I'm not cooking today, you know? I have important business to attend today"
"So... I'll cook today"
"Just say that, then... And... the girl is with you?"
"Yes, she's helping me with the dance"
"Well, enjoy your practice, then"

And I cut the call.

"Ta-da! We're free to go for dinner"

She laughs at how I solved the problem but accepts the dinner date, even if she doesn't consider it as a date.

"So... shall we go, Y/N-ssi?"

I know sooner or later, this love I grew for her would hurt me or her, but I'll enjoy this thing while I'm able to.

Short chapters, I know, but wait for it.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now