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"But why can't I sing with them?~"
"You wrote 'But I don't care, You can't control my shit'. Do you think it is normal for audience to listen to our maknae girl rapping to something as rude as that? Uh?"

I groan internally, I wrote the whole chorus.

"Listen, I know you are talented; I loved this rap... but not for a girl... Instead... I let you produce a song on your own and we'll add it to the album. Do you like the idea?"
"Like a solo song?"
"Yes. They will have the 'only-boys' song and you'll have your 'only-girls' song"
"But no 'Cypher 3' for me, right?"
"I'm gonna think about it"
"You have until tomorrow 10 p.m. to tell me if you accepted and which song you choose"
"Just one day?!"
"24 hours are enough"

I groan internally once more.

"Fine, you'll have an answer by the end of the day, sir"
"Perfect. Thank you, Y/N. You can leave"

I exited the office feeling down, that was one of the raps I was more exited about, but girls should never.

"And?! Oh- That sad eyes say no"
"It was a No"

As long as I work most of the time with the rap line, we seem to get a long very well, even though, Yoongi still treats me like a colleague rather than a friend, like the rest do.

"What did he said exactly?"

Hoseok is the one who offered to give me some company when visiting the management office, you know, even if the boss said 'No', his smile still lights up our way back to the studio.

"He said some sh-thing! about me not rapping because that's not what girl's do"
"Wow... that was rude"
"I know... this was my favorite rap so far... But he offered something else instead"
"What did he offer?"
"A solo song in the album, something about... 'only girls song' in exchange for the rap"
"What are you going to sing then?"
"I'm still thinking"
"You can always ask for help or opinions, to whoever you feel comfortable with"
"Thank you, Hoseok hyung, I'll ask you then"

He smiled big and opened the door of the well-known Studio 1.

"And? Can we save the final version?"

They were also excited about a rap produced by ourselves.

"Yes, but just you three. I'm out of the project"
"Eh? Why?"
"Apparently the manager thinks a girl shouldn't rap something as rude as that"
"You wrote it, tho"
"I know... but he didn't let me. In exchange I'll record an 'only girls' song"
"Well, good luck with that"

"But we can still use her background voices in the final version, right, Yoongi hyung?"
Namjoon tries to include me in the project and I'm so thankful for that.

"Mmm... yes. Technically, she's not singing. I'll save your background vocals... and your moan"
"There's no need to call it like that, I literally just hit my bare toe with the microphone base"

And that happened during the recording but they decided to include it in Yoongi's rap and even made Hoseok moan as well so it could fit with the lyrics. Pervert brains of theirs.

"Can I stay to hear the final record?"

Puppy eyes never fail to get Hoseok's support.

"Of course you can!"

While I sit outside the cabin, moving all the recording buttons of the console, I can appreciate their vocal abilities.

Hoseok has an impressive ability to change the rap or vocal to whatever rhythm he listens to. He is like a voice for all fields.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now