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"This is for you..." He hands her a folded piece of paper "... The lights on yourself are really inspiring, don't ever lose that sparkle"

She recalls the memory of Namjoon giving her this same song she's about to sing in international TV. A faint smile appears in her lips, not because of the cute introduction Jimmy prepared, but because of 'the sparkle' Namjoon asked her not to lose.

The spotlight turns to her in the middle of the stage, and just until then, she realizes about her surroundings. The left side of the forum she was interviewed in, has turned to a forest, her staff doing a great work with some led screens and fake trees. Her grand piano in the middle and her purple dress falling all around the bench and floor, giving her the feeling of singing for a fairy tale where she's the princess.

The only companion for her voice is her piano and no more, so she's the one that leads the song. Adora breaths in to inhale peace and then lets go of the air to exhale all her nervousness. Her thin fingers pressed the first four notes of the song she arranged and that's the sign for her voice to make an appearance, Let the show get started.

"Here, where the sky's falling
I'm covered in blue
I'm running and I'm crawling
Fighting for you
When the rain stops, then, darling
What will I do?
And I know I go all in
But why do I?"

This first line was written by RM, and every time she sang, Adora would get amazed at the fact that this song from the past described her future situation.

"You give me a reason, something to believe in
I know, I know, I know
You give me a meaning, something I can breathe in
I know, I know, I know
It's a bittersweet feeling
Longing, and I'm leaving
I go, I go, I go
But I wish I was there with you
Oh, I wish I was there with you"

"I made this one thinking about your vibes and voice, It. Is. For. You. Only. But if you don't like it... I can sell it to the best price on-"
"NO! I'm so touched by this, I'll keep the song, of course"
In the opposite side of the forum, RM recalls the words he said when he gave her the song... 'It is for you only'... It wasn't mistaken in any way when he thought her voice was perfect for such a heartbreaking song. Meanwhile, the seven guys in Bangtan are listening to her song, live for the first time. Everyone touched as they could hear after a year her amazing voice.

"Hyung... If I used the song for a personal mixtape... would you support my idea?" Adora looked at her 'Boss' with pleading eyes.
"If you want your own mixtape, I would be so happy that you use this song as part of it"

The song wasn't complete, there was missing a second verse, so she wrote it thinking of how lonley and empty she felt without those seven stars in her universe, even if she was a complete success with her singer career.

"There's a crack in my window
A bird in my room
Angels all over
That watch over you
When I'm walking on water
All my dreams have come true
Still, nothing means nothing
Without you"

A sharp pain crossed her heart as she sang those words through the microphone. Adora was there, in the top of the world, yet it feels like the worst failure ever since there's no one up there with her, to enjoy the glory with.

"You gave me a reason, something to believe in
I know, I know, I know
You game me a meaning, something I can breathe in
I know, I know, I know
It's a bittersweet feeling
Longing, and I'm leaving
I go, I go, I go
But I wish I was there with you
Oh, I wish I was there with you"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now