- We both stubborn, I know. But, oh! -

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There's a cozy Cafe in Gwangju that J-Hope enjoys visiting, and the visit becomes more pleasant now that he has the opportunity to bring Suga along with him.

The couple sits in the farthest corner of the place, where no one can recognize them.

"I'm dumb"

Yoongi plumped his elbows over the small table while his pale hands rub his eyes in a sign of stress.

"Don't say that! What makes you think like that?"

Suga stops before answering, fluttered by the way Hoseok reacted; their other mates would've teased him before listening to his strory, and it was okay with him, he enjoys annoying the others too, but the way J-Hope shows his worry in the sweetest way possible makes Suga's cheeks start to warm up.

"I was thinking last night-"
"Didn't we agree to stop overthinking during the trip?" Hoseok asks a bit annoyed by the fact that his mate broke the promise of not stressing out.

"We did! Sorry! But my insomnia last night leaded me to think about her"

Instead of scolding Yoongi, Hoseok let him finish his thoughts.

"What did you think, then?"
"I was never betrayed" Suga said, still hiding his face in his own hands
"How come?"

The interviewed boy looks up to meet Hoseok's eyes and talks with all honesty.

"When Adora and I started... you know... dating... She told me about her real intentions and feelings about you all, so technically..." Suga scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment "I really shouldn't have been so surprised when it all came to light... There was no reason to be mad at her"

"I see..." Hoseok nods "So you are dumb for real"

There's a moment of silence before Hoseok speaks again.

"But then... Why are you still angry at her and doubting about your feelings?"

The older man stays silent, the younger speculates the worst.

"Do you perhaps... stopped loving her?"

"No." Yoongi hasn't even think of an answer as to why he's upset, but he knows something for sure "I do love her"

"That's what I was thinking about last night." Yoongi decides to paste his sight in the far window that offers a sunny morning "Maybe I got a bit jealous when it sank on my mind that you guys would also have her attention, I was a bit selfish"

Yoongi, then, recalls one specific thought of last night "When we used to argue... my studio felt empty without her, I felt half dead. Today the room I woke up in felt drown in loneliness and me completely dead... This discussion was definitely harder. But the more I thought about it, it gets clearer for me... she's my home"

"So you're going back to her" It wasn't a question, Hobi assured the answer he caught from Yoongi's eyes.

"I am" The man smiled all along with his cat-like eyes "You should too"

"No" J-Hope lowered his look to his nervous hands in his lap "She chose you for a reason... I'm not the one"

If there's something Yoongi hates of Hoseok, is his pessimism.

"Who else does she call 'sunshine', uh?"

At the sound of that pet name the younger man looks back at his mate's eyes.

"Just... me?"
"Yes, Hoba. You are her only sunshine"

Yoongi stuffed one of the cookies in the table inside Hoseok's mouth.

"Remember when I needed to visit the doctor frequently?"

Yoongi was willing to remember the dark past for his soulmate to realize what he means.

"I used to be jealous of how you make her laugh and shine in all her brightness while I just managed to argue with her"
"That doesn't mean much"

"What about all the times you both sneaked out to have dates?"
"Well, she could think of it as friendship dates?"
"Friendship dates? That shit doesn't exist Hoseok! You date the one you like! She had dates with you because she likes you!"
"I d-"

Yoongi groans desperately, he's about to say something he promised not to because those were Y/N's private thoughts, but he won't let Hoseok loseher.

"After the second concert in Brazil, you both kissed" Suga said shamelessly and Hoseok didn't expected to hear that.

"How do you-"
"She told me when we shared room during the tour... She told me you declared her as your life partner, and she was happy about that... you should've seen her" Suga makes a pause to remember her doe eyes shining bright, big smile, red face and hands sweating nervously as a high school sweetheart "She said she also wants you as her life partner"

It wasn't like Hoseok doubts about Yoongi's words, but something inside him doesn't want to feel the pain that being rejected by the love of his life would cause.

"Are you sure?" J-Hope asked with red ears, eyes fixated on his lap.

Suga changes the situation, placing both of his usual cold hands on each side of Hoseok's face, forcing their eyes to meet.
"Do you trust your soulmate, Hoba?"

"With my whole life" The sunshine guy answered right away to the guy holding his face tenderly; he'd definitely put his life in Yoongi's hands without fear.

"Then trust me when I say she loves you. You are her sunshine"

J-Hope finally gives in and sighs while pressing his hands over Suga's.

"I'll go and confess to her... but if she rejects me" He digs his nails, like claws, into the back of Yoongi's hands "I'll beat your ass up and then leave the band... for real"

Suga smiles brightly to the man hurting his flesh.

"Trust your soulmate, Hoba"

Happy 80K to 'Poisonous kind'!!
This story wouldn't have gotten that far without all of you who gave an opportunity to it. There's only a big "THANK YOU 😭" in my mind when I see this number, I really appreciate all the time you invested in this story, it's your story as well. The end of the story is starting to taste in my tongue and it feels bittersweet so please enjoy the last parts of 'Poisonous kind'. Lots of love.

- α xX

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now