- Extra -

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It would've been impossible to hide my identity here, so instead of choosing a good costume, I decided to dress with an elegant light blue suit.

I walked through the hallways to find the control cabin, where I can clearly see every second of the show.

It wasn't their first win, but they surely celebrate just as if it was the very first one.

I see how they announce Stray Kids song as the winner of the night and the group hugs each other dramatically, throwing some of their bouquet flowers to the floor or towards the fans. A smile cripples to my mouth. They're enjoying it.

The show's over so I walk towards the dressing rooms. It is weird to have all those eyes on me.

Women watching with wide eyes or murmuring to each other's ears. Men scanning up and down my figure, like making sure I am real. Yes, I am.
Just few of them smile sincerely to me, or bow their head as a greeting which I answer back.

I standed in front of the door that had a 'SKZ' sign and then knock on the door.

Even before knocking; the shouts, laughter and ruffling of things were heard from the outside, that reminded me of the men I've been working with; are all men this noisy?
When I called to the door, everything stopped and then some whispers and muffled shouting, later someone peeked through a slice of the door. That's Changbin.

He closes the door and I can hear him saying "It's okay guys, It's Adora-ssi"

Then someone opens abruptly the door with a big smile, I.N.

"Congratulations to the winners~" I say while raising a bit the box of cupcakes that I've bought earlier this morning.

"Oh, my noona brought me cupcakes!" He said receiving the box and later side hugging me.

Meanwhile, Felix glares at him from the couch he was resting in. They will always tease each other like that.

"It has the 'Stray Kids' logo, so... it is for all of us~" Said Lee Know shaking one of the pastries he stated eating in front of the guy hugging me.

I walked towards one of the empty chairs with I.N still clinging onto my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. Luckily Bang Chan pulled from I.N so I could take a sit and chat with them properly.

Once in my seat, Felix got near the corner of the couch so he could hold my hand and give it a ligh squeeze.

"So! How have you been? How are the arrangements for the tour going?" I asked them and they all messily talk at the same time about how exited they are about the new tour.

"But you're going to have a special stage with us when we perform in Seoul, right?" Hyunjin asked me, eyes big fixated on me like trying to get an affirmative answer.

"I've already told you I will" I say rolling my eyes playfully and the rest started talking about some ideas for some stages while I just listen with a small smile on my lips.

"Wanna go out for a walk?" Felix whispers on my ear as his bandmates discuss which colors fit better on their main song theme.

I nod at him and he stands up abruptly.
"Gentlemen, I'm talking with her in private. Bye!" He pulls from my hand towards the door.

"Don't take too much time because the car would be waiting for us" Their leader said as we walk away from the dressing room.

We walked through the now empty hallways, with my hand around his arm, as I try to walk elegantly in those navy blue high heels.

Our walk took place in the empty venue where the awards were celebrated.

"How's life going?" He said as his eyes looked at me, he's even taller that the last time I saw him.

"We changed dates for the tour so I can celebrate my birthday here" I say smiling at him.

"Wow! That's something only a boss could do!" He jokes and I elbow him. "You're coming to my party, right?"

"Are they still hating me?" He asks
"Well... You're friends with Jin and RM, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am! But the rest still think I'm stealing you! Calm your men down"

I laugh at his statement, that's true. Whenever Felix visits me, whether it is Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok, wander around us just to make sure Felix is not making any suspicious move, as they call it.

"Can't do anything, they've always been like that" I raise my shoulders like not knowing what to do. "But what about your suitor, uh?"

His face immediately turms bright red and and he places both of his hands over my mouth. "SHHHHH"

"So... he's here?"

I already know everything there is to know about this cute guy that's head over heels for my best friend, but he doesn't allow me to say his name out loud.

"He sent flowers to our dressing room... My favorite ones" He smiles softly at the memory of the gift and I can't help but smile even more, he deserves to be so happy.

"Awww~ That's so beautiful!"
"I know" Felix rolls his eyes as if I said something obvious "He wanted me to go to a party with him next month"

I suppress the chuckle that tries to scape my lips and nod at him. I already knew about it all.

"And what did you say?"
"I said that I'd think about it... I think it is the same day your birthday party takes place and you know... Bros before hoes"

This time I can't help but laugh out loud as he seems to talk completely serious about the issue.

"No way you're saying this" I clean a happy tear that dropped from my eye "Please accept the invitation. I'll forgive your life if you send me a bottle of the best champagne in Korea... Deal?" I extend my arm and show my pinky for him to make a promise.

"Now that I found you I promised to stay by your side and you're making miss your birthday for- for a boy?!"

"I need to say I liked this guy, he seems to have honest feelings, why don't you try, uh?"

He sighs like exhausted and then look at the ceiling.
"Dating stuff makes me nervous... You made- You still! Make me nervous sometimes" He laughs at the last thing "I just don't want to ruin this opportunity so I'm taking it slow"

Seeing him struggle with feelings makes my heart clench in tenderness, reminding me of the Y/N that was so afraid to love.

"You're right" I hug his arm "You are in all your rights to take it slow. Sorry for pressuring"

He kissed the top of my head.
"We've been in this game for a year... maybe..." He squeezes my hand nervously "Maybe I should... accept the invitation?"

I smile the happiest at him. He's growing up so fast.

"YES! Go enjoy your date!"

He smiles shyly with his cheeks redder than an apple.
"Okay... I'll go just because my Adora says so"

HAPPY 100 (+3) K to Poisonous Kind!
Thanks to all of you who read this story! You have all my gratitude and love 💗💗

I wanted to write something to celebrate haha, so this is what I got because I felt as if I just let died Felix character and that was sad :(
But here we are! There's a second part of this short story so wait for it.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now