- XXII -

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Laughs and the sound of chewing fill the air since the boys are having dinner peacefully, of course avoiding the embarrassing scene from this morning.

"Guys I bought a pastry" J-Hope gathers the attention.
"Great! Please be mint-choco"
"It's not mint-choco and it's not for you Taehyungie"
"So? If you're not going to share it with us, why on earth do you mention it?" Evidently Suga wanted pastry.

"I- I feel bad for the girl, like, we shouldn't have played with stuff that doesn't belong to us... she passed an embarrassing time so... I thought of this pastry as an apology"

Everyone exchange looks. Does the girl deserve an apology?

They can't even think about it when the door sounds like being opened and then a tiny form appears in their view: long black hair messy, chin down and a sad expression.

Jin as a good 'older bro-role' moves the first piece.

"Hey!... Do you... uh, want some rice?" He promised her to make the situation less awkward but she's not helping. The rest are just trying to avoid her gaze.
"No thank you, good night"

The girl walks straight to her bedroom and closes the door, no more sounds heard.

"See? She seems to have a hard time with the situation" Hoseok is trying to make his brothers realize that she deserves an apology.

"At least tell us what flavor is it"
"It's just choc- that doesn't even matter! Would we go tell her we're sorry?"

They remind quiet like thinking twice about their answer.

"Well I don't feel sorry for it" Yes, again Taehyung.

The rest look at him disapproving what he just said

At first instance, they were all whispering, but the plan is getting harder to accomplish so now they are shouting-whispering.

"You go apologize" V looks directly to Hoseok
"I didn't took the plastic bag!"
"Well, me either!"

That's right, none of them but Jimin was the one who started kicking the bag in the air out of 'boredom'

"Why don't we just pretend this never happened?" Suga likes to stay away from the drama.

"That's coward" the leader knows what's best for the band since they still need to perform together tomorrow, as a band.

"Let's do nothing, the more uncomfortable she feels, the faster she leaves"

Half of them laugh and the other scold him.

"If you still being this rude, I promise..."
"But hyung~"

V looks at Jin with puppy eyes, those no one can resist so the older just give in.

"Just- behave"
"Let's use Jimin's charms, he might convince her to talk to us again"

Namjoon knows very well his boys and their 'weapons', Jimin can be sometimes the flirty one.

"She likes 'Jungkookie', she'll forgive us faster if he goes"

Well, Jin's idea doesn't sound bad.

"But is too obvious"
"Hyung- I- don't want to use her like that" Jungkook cares about her and what she thinks about him, he doesn't want to look like the guy who uses a girl

"You are not using h- wait, do you like h-"
"NOBOdy likes no one, okay? I'll do it, you are all dumb"

Okay, Namjoon knows their weapons but also their deficiencies. He's the best for the job: saying sorry to a girl, it is not that hard, is it?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now