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Yoongi's POV

Being light sleeper makes me have complete sleep sessions of three or four hours. But with her hand drawing circles in my chest while my hand caress her waist made me fall in the best dream ever.

More like a lucid dream since it looked like I could talk to her willingly in my dream. She said that she loved me and, even if I needed to share her love with the other six, I was more than ready to love her.

That's why my heart felt heavy waking up to an empty bed. Maybe the smoke plus the liquor are not a good combination.

It felt so real when we confessed our love.

It was a dream, Yoongi.

I reminded myself while stretching my body in the empty mattress. Why does the usual loneliness feels heavier after that dream?

I take off my shirt to take a shower but, thanks to the silent surroundings, I can clearly hear the water from the shower running.

Was it... Was it real?

My heart pounds in my ribcage as the bird asking to be free when I run to the bathroom. The door is open and the first thing I find is a feminine figure behind the blurry glass.

Is it her?

Not caring about anything but making sure my mind is not playing with my heart, I open the shower door and the lady turns around, soap all around her body and cheeks bright red.

It is her.

I hug her tightly, feeling our bare upper bodies touch.

"It's really you. It wasn't a dream" I whisper more for myself than for her.

"A dream? What do y- Oh~ About our talk last night" She wiggles in my embrace "It was real, Yoongi-ah"

Her wet hands cup my face and then she kisses me, the same soft slow way I felt yesterday.

It IS real, indeed.

She breaks the kiss and looks at me with bright honey eyes.

"I love you" She says and I can't help but kiss her again, as happy as a kid in the candy shop.
"I love you too"

"Yes, darling?" I say still holding her wet waist.
"May I finish showering, please? I'm like... literally naked right now"
"Oh-" My face starts burning and I move my gaze to the ceiling, remembering our bare upper bodies were touching few seconds ago.

"I'll go- I'll go take a shower next room, uhmm- call me if you need anything"
"I actually need you to lend me some clothes, please?"

Since she's shorter than me, she's looking up, but my gaze is still plastered in the ceiling.

"S- Sure, I'll leave the clothes in the bed"
"Yes, darling?"
"Look at me"
"You might feel uncomfortable and I don't want you to feel like that"

She giggles and my cheeks burn even more.

"You're so cute" That's enough for me to run away from the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Too much action for today.

After my heartbeat comes back to normal, I manage to place the smallest jeans I have, a cool t-shirt that can match her style and brand new boxers. Then I walk out and take a shower in my room.

Just as I exited my room, Y/N also exited the guest's room, wearing my clothes and the warm feeling in my heart invades me again. She's gonna make me combust out of love.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now