- XI -

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(A/N: The Italics are referring to the characters thoughts)

Third Person POV

The manager told them they would be introduced to the new band mate really soon, but they didn't know the management planned a kind of 'Treasure hunt' to meet the girl, they only knew they needed to play a game that Friday for their variety show.

So they there were, in the BigHit building's lobby, all wearing their classic school uniforms, hairs styled in a savage way, black eyeliner so they look ruder and the mics in their cloths so everything gets recorded.

"How much would the game take? I want to sleep..." Yoongi asks while yawning.
"If we hurry up, an hour or so... you'll survive" Namjoon answers as he waits for the staff to get his mic in the right place.
"And how many clues can we use?" Jimin is worried about the clues since he doesn't feel like the skilled type in games and doesn't want to cheat.
"One for each one, Jimin" Again the leader answered.

Everyone's in a mix of exited and exhausted mood, they have been working hard on their upcoming album, 'Skool luv affair', which hasn't been recorded, they needed to wait for the new girl's voice even though they don'tnotice know Abu that... yet.

"Okay let's start the game! 1! 2! 3!" The director yells and the boys start reading the instructions. They are smart and most of them really skilled for this types of dares. Oh, what a surprise! When they read the first paper with the instruction, they got blank, this was going to be a long afternoon.

It's been an hour and the seven guys are stuck in the fourth floor of the building, they need to reach to the 10th. They are trying to figure out how to draw a 6-pointed star with 5 lines, all of them have tried, more that once, but it still doesn't work.

"Can you give us another clue?~ Please~" Jimin, getting advantage of his cuteness asks the director for another clue even though they have already used all of their opportunities to get clues. The director's heart has a soft spot for the cute pouty boy so he gives the idols the 10th help of the day.
"Okay, please ask the staff in front of you to draw the first three lines" The director says through the radio.
After seeing those three lines, Rap Mon, known as the Bangtan's brain, is ready to finish the drawing.

"Here! This is!" He screams proud of himself while raising the paper sheet, the rest of the members praising him, they're proud of their leader.

Now they're able to move to the next floor.

Another hour and they are trapped again, this time in the 7th floor. They can't pass through a rope maze, they can't touch any rope and wearing school uniforms makes it harder.

"Suga hyung put your ass do- YAA~ YOU TOUCHED THE ROPE AGAIN!" Jungkook, who was at the end of the rope maze, is stressed because his hyungs are touching the ropes... over and over again. Now he needs to start again. This time the staff lets the 7 boys touch maximum 3 ropes while going through the maze, it would make it easier.

Jungkook is the first to go through the maze and goes to the end of the maze easily, being the golden maknae must have some advantages.

The second is J-Hope, he is really flexible, but his feet keep on touching the last two ropes. He is in the other side of the maze finally, and it is valid!

The third is Jimin, who looks like is made out of bubblegum, he slides smoothly through the maze, of course that run is valid too.

The forth is Taehyung, he is so unbothered about this, even though he touched 3 ropes before finishing the maze, he's looking handsome for the cameras and was in the limit of touched ropes, so his run is valid.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now