- LIX -

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"Okay... the next one to check is... 'Hold Me Tight', play it"

I'm sitting here with Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi, the official producers of Bangtan's songs. We're actually just confirming if all of the songs for this mini album are the correct ones. No melody mistakes, no pronunciation or title mistakes; the songs must be perfect.

I click the play button in the laptop in front of me and the song sounds loud for us. All of us with concentrated expression, analyzing the words me and Suga wrote.

I know this song from top to bottom, so instead of the song, I analyze the boys faces.

Namjoon looks at the papers in front of him, they have the lyrics of all the songs written down. His long fingers hit rhythmically the table while listening to the song.

Hoseok is reading another copy with the lyrics, but he's moving his head from left to right while the song plays.

Yoongi on the other hand is looking blankly at the wall in front of him, like analyzing for the thousandth time the song we created.

When the song stops everyone nods.

"This stays, of course" Namjoon says and we agree to the statement.
"Then let's play the next song"

'Converse High'

We kept the idea of doing an only-boys song and an only-girls song. This was their song.

I heard a little part of it while spending some time with Jungkook in the studio, the song talks about them loving shoes (?, maybe loving the girl who wears it as well.

The lyrics makes sense until an specific part sounds:

'Converse, Converse, I really hate Converse'

I immediately press the pause button and look at the author of the line.

"Waitwaitwait! That's senseless for the song!"
"You really hate Converse?"
"Uh, no. Just yours"

I look at the dirty Converse I'm using and then look madly at him but he doesn't even turn his sight.

"What's wrong with him?" I turn to Namjoon who's beside him and then to Hoseok beside me. Both move hands like saying 'we don't know'.

"Anyways, it's your song, if you like it like that..." And I play the song till the end, not really paying attention to it.

"Great! Now the only one missing is..." Namjoon looks for it in his papers " 'Outro: Love Is Not Over' "

Suddenly Suga lets out a laugh. I look at him angrily.

"What's so funny about my song, hyung?"
He mockingly says "What do you know about love, little girl?"
"More than you know about fashion"
"You haven't even loved"

Oh no.

"May I remind you who was the guy that visited me back in the old apartment?"

"Guys stop-" Namjoon tries to stop our discussion but
"Shut it, Namjoon. You have a girlfriend so you can't talk here"

"Leave him and Hye-jin alone"
"Then, honestly... Fuck Felix"

I let out a loud gasp. How he dares? I might not be friends with him anymore, but Felix is a good person.
Before taking the fight any further, Hoseok holds my hand under the table, like asking me to be patient with Suga.

"Let's just- finish this task now"

I play the song, it is a sad song and I actually don't know where the inspiration came from, but since it sounded nice, I used it as my only-girls song.

"Sweet song" Hoseok smiles at me
"Too sweet" Yoongi complains. I like Yoongi but since he came back from the hospital he's more annoying than ever, at least with me, he's the sweetest with the boys.

"Well... those were all the songs for this first mini album, guess we don't have any complaints, right?"

Namjoon asks and we agree: no complaints.

"Perfect. Then I'm giving this to the management to do the rest, you are free to go" He exits the room and I remind in my place with Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Wanna go out for a walk?"
"I like you, Hoba, but sometimes you are too corny. I'm leaving, enjoy your date"

Hoseok's always so sweet with me and at the same time tries to include Yoongi in our plans, but Yoongi seems uncomfortable with us together, so he prefers to run away from us, from me.

Once Suga left, Hobi turs to me again.

"So... you'll accept my walk?"
"Yes" I smile and stand up.

This is what we usually do:

Yoongi and I keep a 'love-hate friendship'; yesterday we were talking about his album that's about to drop and today he's questioning my work.
But inside this weird relationship, Hobi always appears, to calm Yoongi down when he's in his aggressive mood and spend quality time with me, always reminding me I'm so precious for him.

He's always so sweet, like the brother I've never had. But sometimes Hwasa's words pinch my mind:

"It is rather to save you because he likes you or he's jealous of the attention you give to Yoongi because Hoseok likes you"

But that's Hoseok's personality, right?
Being a sunshine to everyone, including me... right?

Without realizing it, I'm starting to put on my hoody, ready to walk beside Hoseok in the fresh streets of the city that adopted me: Seoul.

"Let's go, we might find our cafe open"

We have a favorite Cafe, and we usually share a strawberry pastry, that's the quality time we spend together.

He offers his arm for me to hold while walking and, of course, I accept, putting my hand around his bicep.

"Did you like the songs for the first album?"
"Yes! I mean, the eight songs are a mixture between meaningful and funny"
"Yeah~ Can't wait to show you what we've been working for the Baepsae song"
"But... that song will appear until the third part, right?"
"No~ I talked to Namjoon-ah about putting it in the second part"
"Woah ~ Can't wait to see it. You are very talented, Hobi hyung ~"
"I know ~" He flutters his eyelashes and I laugh at his cute gesture "That's why you should pay attention to me and not Yoongi-ah"

And that's exactly why sometimes his behavior makes me think he's flirting.

"I like you more than him. He is an asshole" I use english since Hobi won't get the bad word "But he's still my friend, I guess"
"I don't like it when he mistreat you... But you still there for him" And he pouts as a kid.

"He mistreat you as well, but you still there for him too"
"It is different"

He thinks for a moment before changing the topic instead of answering.

"Drink your coffee before it gets cold, sunshine"
"It is a cold brew, Hobi"

I let him win this time and we change topics, usually about the next projects for the band, about past experiences before meeting or about random things.

We come back home just in time to help Seokjin with dinner. Walking through the main hallway we bump into Yoongi, who smiles to Hoseok but when he looks at me, he just roll his eyes.

Guess I still like him as a man, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let him treat me like trash, after all, he taught me to be savage with people that try to drag me down, I'm just applying it.

And by the way, his bestfriend, Hoseok, treats me better.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now