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I've learned the lesson. Do not expose yourself that way on national TV.
I cried when the management told us we needed to perform more that twice Blood, Sweat & Tears again, so we opted to wear the royalty clothes we used for the MV.

The boys kept on telling me I looked very good that tragic day, but the bad comments and the stalking cameras still hunt me today.

We even changed the songs we're promoting, now we're performing 'Spring day' and 'Not today' but the treatment people from the outside give me is still the same.

I've been having several panic attacks just like the one when Namjoon and I left the MNet event.

"C'mon, C'mon, C'mon! Girl, you can't be having panic attack right now!"

The manager is knocking on the bathroom door while I'm trying to regulate my irregular breathing.


I hear a voice different from our manager.

"Y/N it's me, Namjoon. Want me to help?"

The tears stopped long ago but the fast breathing is taking long.

"I- I'm coming!"

I look at my ruined makeup in the mirror. I better go out and fix my face.

Opening the door, I find Namjoon resting his back beside the table.

"Come here"

His demanding tone makes me want to cry once again but he suddenly changes his sight for a soft one while hugging me. I let myself relax in his embrace.

"I know what you're going through, we'll find a way to stop this"

That's not only the words of a good leader, but also the words of a good friend.

We managed to change places with the closing act, giving me the opportunity to fix my looks and warm my voice once again.

Up in the stage, I receive reassurance looks from my seven members but the crowd sounds divided, half of them cheer for my performance while the other half stays quiet. I'm between their love and hate.

The performance finally ends and the awards goes to our hands, but the uncomfortable sensation like if something bad is about to happen doesn't stop.

We are trying to exit the venue to finally go home. I'm walking at the top of the line, close to the crowd that's following us. They're screams and pushing grows stronger till the point where our line of eight is invaded by people and cameras. Continuing by myself, I try to reach the car waiting for us but I feel someone's hand squeezing my ass.

I turn around and see not known faces, just a guy with his hand extended to the height of my butt and his phone recording.

I raise my hands, silently asking for help, the next things pass by my eyes so fast, our two bodyguards stop the guy and confiscate his phone. Stopping him there to call the police. Then Suga takes my hand and drags me to the car between the sea of people.

Next thing I know is that I woke up when we arrive to the BigHit offices.

"Come one, little one, we have things to solve"

Half sleeping, I'm dragged by Jin to the lift that takes us to our office.

The first thing to talk was the legal process and the lawsuit against the boy who touched me. Then we discussed the lack of bodyguards, two guys can't take care of eight by themselves, they calculated about five for each one of us, all trained men and women to accompany us in every second of our life as idols.

And the very last thing: vacations.

"Well, it is not like vacations but you can feel them like it"

Another season of Bon Voyage because the first season was well received by fans.

"It's less probable you'd be recognized in Hawaii, and there's also a great weather there this days, so we're leaving next month"

I might have issues in my life, but at least I'm going to Hawaii.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now