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Third person POV

She kept that double life, having secret little unofficial dates with Hoseok during the free days they had while being on tour.
But those same free days, she would reunite with Yoongi, as if she never left her hotel room, and then put both hers and Yoongi's creativity to write different songs and create different rhythms for the next projects, sometimes spending quality time talking about their life's and past traumas, while sharing a cup of whiskey or some instant noodles.

Tho, Jimin and Taehyung were Y/N's competition, who has the best double life?
Both, Jimin and Taehyung, were now dating, and nobody knew about it, who on earth would suspect about the eternal soulmates dating when they always behaved that close to each other?

Jungkook and Adora were smart, and started suspecting about that, but never dared to say something.

Now that tour was over, they had other projects on mind and different obstacles to succeed on their secret lifes.

The sponsor of a very well known app would pay an excursion to the northern countries of Europe if they recorded every single step BTS gave.

That's how they are now looking for their respective sits on a plane.

"It is cold in Norway, innit?"
"Your british accent won't work there, Y/N-ie, their official language isn't English"

Namjoon and Y/N are sitting together.

"What?! How would we communicate, then?"
"Imagine it's ten times harder for us when the only thing we can say is 'you know BTS?' "

Jin and Taehyung are sitting behind Namjoon and Y/N, that's why Jin's face is peaking between the front seats to talk to their friends.

"Okay, now this trip is making me nervous for real."
"Don't worry little one, with you and Namjoon speaking english, nothing can go wrong"

Then Tae's faces peaks to the front seats, above Jin's.

"Hyung, will we buy Jungkookie's cake?"
"Yes Tae, now lower your voice or he'll hear it from afar"

Now is Jungkook's 18th/19th birthday so the rest were planning to buy a cake and some flowers once arriving to their place.
But of course they didn't have on mind that Jimin would lose his luggage on the buss that took them to the city. Nor the fact that the staff would limit the money to spend on food for the next three days, just to 'make the show a little more interesting'.

That's how Jin and Namjoon ended up with a chocolate cake, two roses and two big ass candles that were actually more expensive than the cake itself. They evidently don't know much about finances, but yes, it made the show funnier.

"Happy birthday to you ~ "

And a lot of applauses for Jungkook, the new officially Korean citizen.

"We got you two roses" And Jin gave them to the birthday boy "But there's no kiss because we can't kiss you on national TV"

The staff laughs at the joke but Jimin has something else on mind.

"There's the flower, it is only missing the kiss" Jimin whispers to Y/N's ear.
"You will kiss Koo as well?" She whispers back a bit surprised at Jimin's idea.

"Not me, you" She opens widely his eyes and mouth but doesn't know what to whispers back to Jimin.

"Go make him happy on his birthday ~"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now