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The warmth in my back was so comforting, but the bright light disturbing my closed eyes was uncomfortable.

I sit on the bed, still eyes closed and stretch my arms above my head until the satisfying bop in my back sounds.

Then my brain finally starts working at 100% and I realize about my surroundings still eyes closed.

There's a cold breeze sneaking through the window and makes my body shiver so I open my eyes. While adjusting to the light in the room I realized about the weight over my hips, that stops me from moving farther.

My eyes drive from my chest, that I just realized is naked; then over my belly, that has multiple purple marks; and finally to my hips, still covered with the sheets.

I take off the covers and find a milky arm around my lower body. The memories of last night, the things I said and mostly did make me swallow hard. Jimin is the naked guy beside me.

"Y/N what did you do?" I asks to myself out loud

"We fucked, now go back to sleep... I'm tired ~"

His morning husky voice makes me jump in my place and the burning sensation in my face appears in a second.

"Don't say it like that" I muttered while laying back down on the bed, my back facing him.

"You were enjoying it last night and now you are all shy..." He places a kiss in my bare shoulder "... Cute~"
"Shut up" I say under my breath still my face burning red.

"You still want to go shopping, beauty?"

He mostly call me 'Y/N-ie' but 'Beauty' when flirting, now after this, I don't know what's he playing.

"Uh- Y-Yes..." I answer hesitantly.
"Look at me" He whispers in my ear.

I toss in the bed to face him. The sun flatters his features; blonde messy hair makes him look cute along with his puffy cheeks and lips, but the purple marks that playfully appeared on his neck and shoulder makes him look kinda hot, really hot.

"We made our decision and we're in this boat together now, right?"

I nod knowingly.

"Then there's no need to make things awkward for us, hm?" He puts a lock of hair behind my ear "Let's enjoy what we have for now"

For now?

I was about to ask about the meaning of the last line but his soft lips attacked mine in a tender way, making forget about the complaints about the arrangements. Maybe he is right and I only need to embrace what we have.

"Okay! Then let's take a shower and we'll enjoy the rest of Paris!"

He jumps abruptly out of bed and I cover my eyes immediately.

"Guess you have no remedy, beauty" He laughs while heading to the bathroom.


I decided to play along and make things easier for us: I'm not denying we spent a night together and I'm letting him act like a real boyfriend for me, tho, we haven't formalized anything. I guess fuck buddies is the name.

"These streets are so pretty! Take a picture for me" I ask him and walk slower waiting for him to take a picture with his own cellphone.

"Look" He shows me his work and I smile satisfied. He's a good photographer.

I stop in front of a fancy store and admire the black coat the mannequin is wearing.

"Look at this, Chim! This is like made for you! Imma buy it for you, let's get inside"

And I dragged him to the store to get the elegant clothing.

The afternoon drove like that, us buying clothes for ourselves or each other, until the sun started setting; that's when he dragged me to the ice cream shop with a terrace towards the Eiffel tower.

It felt like a daydream, having a date with one of the best guys I know in front of the Eiffel tower.

"A picture will last longer, Adora" He caught me staring.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing, Jimin-ah?"

He stops eating ice cream and turns to me.

"And what if it's the wrong? We want this... and they won't know"

I honestly had a bad feeling.

"What do you think they'd do if they found out?"

He laughs at the question.
"They'll sure be jealous" He kisses me shamelessly "I dared to do what they did not dare to do long ago"
"Didn't dare to do?"
"Why you care so much about what they say? You're with me now, don't you?"

He's right. I shouldn't be thinking much about the rest. One of them rejected me so... I guess the rest won't care much.

"But" He looks at me "This is still illegal for the world, I guess you get that this needs to stay a secret for us"
"Of course I do, Jimin-ssi. Been in that kind of troubles before"

He remembers all the drama and again laughs.

"You gave us a big heart attack with your supposed boyfriend"
"Shut up. It was all a drama"

We kept on chatting like we always do. That's our dynamic, we can go from goofy to serious and now to the new addition: kissing hungrily in the middle of the street.
Life's good.

The night has fallen completely and we're a bit far apart of the crowd, in one of the adjacent parks of the famous tower, we're waiting for it to turn on its lights.

He is backhugging me, resting his chin on my left shoulder and me intertwine our fingers over my waist.

"This is romantic" I whisper for myself, trying to explain the butterflies in my stomach and the dumb smile over my lips.

"I came here to party but you made the city a romantic one, I'm glad of it"
He whispers to me and I turn around.

"I don't know what we have but... let's keep it" I kiss his lips slowly and he answers passionately to my lips, like accepting to keep whatever we started.

While kissing, the tower shines suddenly and we don't stop the kiss but look to the side, to admire the beautiful scenery.

I smile still in his arms when some girls meters away from us catch my attention.

They were whispering to each other in a worried way. Looking brazenly to us from time to time. Do they know who we are?

"Chim" He's still hugging me with one arm, the other hand taking a picture of the tower.

"I guess they recognized us"

He stops his actions scared and looks around.

"Fuck. They probably did" He fixes the black cap on his head and I pull my hoody to cover my eyes more.

"Let's go, beauty" He takes my hand and we walk back to the hotel.

You can imagine how that night ended, and the night after that one and the following ones in France. I enjoyed to the top and I couldn't get enough of him.
But we're coming back to Korea, how are we supposed to deal with our daily life and the bond we grew?

Happy 26k to Poisonous Kind!
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Ly all xX

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now