- Extra pt. 2 -

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Swaying her hips left and right, Y/N fixes the last details to her make-up with some soft tune she humms for herself.

Her plump lips, covered by a delightful gloss, tugged in a smile as she hears someone calling the door and later some keys shaking in the key hole.

She adjusts the necklace with a golden tulip over her cleavage as heavy steps arrive to the floor where her bedroom is. She recognized the individual that goes up to meet her.

"I won't deny it... Jimin really knows about fashion"

Seokjin stops exactly in the doorframe and Y/N turns around to meet Jin's mesmerized gaze.

"You look heavenly, angel"

Seokjin says almost like without breathe as he walks closer to the beautiful girl in front of the vanity.
The tall man makes her twirl by holding up her hand. She giggles in the process and so a bigger smile draws on Jin's features.

"There's just missing something" He holds her right hand and picks the ring in the vanity with his empty hand: one of the eight matching rings. He places the jewel in her delicate fourth finger and kisses her knuckles afterwards. "Too much people there so I don't want them around an engaged woman"

"Oh~ Do I smell jealousy from the oldest Bangtannie?~" She asks, an smirk accidentally appearing on her pretty lips. Jin only hides his face in her neck while his ears burn bright red.

"Shhh... Or I leave a mark" Jin threateningly bitting down the sweet flesh of her neck.

The dress is so white and with a wide cleavage so she can risk it all and arrive to her birthday party with a big purple mark. She takes two steps back.

"Can't allow that, sorry" She smiles at the male in front of her and then turns to the bed to pick her purse up. "Let's go"

Adora drags Jin from her bedroom towards the main door.

"Hey! Wait!" Seokjin stops in the middle of the hallway " Something's missing" He pointed to her ears and she touched her earlobes. Earrings.

"BUT! As the perfect boyfriend I am, I brought you something~" He pulls from his coat an small velvety box and opens it for her; bright golden earrings.

"Before you say something like 'there's no need of a present, Seokjin-ah'," He mocked her voice before taking one earing in hand "I wanted to buy them for you because you'll look beautiful with them and you can't stop me from spoiling my girlfriend. Now shut up and move your head" The soft hands of him that put the jewels on contrasted the faked harsh tone of his voice.

"There~ Now you look like an expensive angel" Jin complimented.
"I better don't ask about the price of those, right?"
"Pure gold and a real diamond, just to give you an idea"

Adora shaked her head with a faint smile over her lips. Once they started their relationship, Seokjin won't stop calling her an angel while spoiling her with everything he has on hand, whether her favorite dish for dinner, a bouquet of her favorite flowers every time he comea back from a walk or the most expensive accessories Y/N surely doesn't need but he likes her to have them.

The drive the the party place was really short; close to her house but surely away from cameras and possible snitches.

"C'mon, angel. They might be waiting for you" Seokjin stated as he offers his arm for her to take while walking through the entrance.

The place was pretty simple but huge, blue, purple and pink lights washed the white walls. Big '26' balloons at the bottom of the room and behind the table of honor, where the birthday girl and the closest family would sit. The -around- 15 smaller tables were occupied by friends and her sister, they welcomed her with the warmest smiles snd the loudest cheerings.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now