- CII -

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I open the front door in the slowest way possible, to avoid any loud sound that alert the rest inside the house about our arrival.

"I'll take you to your room"
Taehyung whispers and takes my hand.

We're all drenched and my body is getting cold, but the lovely moment we shared won't be forgotten.

"Your room is before mine, I'll take you to yours"
Now I'm the one who's dragging him upstairs.

The situation is so comical that we need to suppress two or three laughter on our way up.

Taehyung's door is the first one of the hallway with four doors, 'The maknae hallway' Namjoon called it once.

"Goodnight Y/N-ie" He pecks my lips.
"Night, TaeTae" I give him a little hug before walking in my tiptoes to my room. Out of nowhere one hand pulling me inside the third door makes me bump into someone's chest.

"What the- Koo?"
"Iugh~ What's wrong with your clothes, noona?"

He makes a disgusted face after feeling his t-shirt getting wet.

"It rained and I didn't had an umbrella"
"So neither Taehyung?"
"No, nei- Wait, what?!" Did he-

"I was coming back from the kitchen when you two arrived, all giggly and..."
"And... (?"
"K- Kissing"

No puede ser

"No- That was- w- we didn't-"
"It's okay... He won, I guess. You don't have to explain at all"

He walks defeated to his bed, sitting on the edge and I follow his actions.

"He was the mysterious suitor, then"
"Yes, but-"
"Imma explain it to you! So you don't get the wrong idea"
"I don't want to listen, Y/N. It'll just hurt much more"

This sucks, really really sucks.

"Listen, we arranged to play the suitors, so... so Jimin would get jealous or at least he would stop ignoring me and shit but... It didn't ended up like planned..."

He laughs too mockingly for my liking.

"What would you expect about it if it's Taehyung we're talking about?"

I turn to him with a frown.

"What do you mean, uh?"
"He is a sucker for attention, Y/N. Of course he would stick with you until he gets you to love him"

Is that what Taehyung really did?

"Are you together now?" He asks after a short silence.
"No, we... we didn't talk about it"
"And... you like Taehyung?"
"I- I think so" At least that's what it looked like back in the parking lot.
"What about Jimin?"
"Is this a fucking interview, Jeon?"
"Just answer, L/N"

This situation really pissed him off.

"I don't know... If I'm honest... I avoid thinking about my feelings towards the other guys so I don't get more troubled than I already am" I confess rubbing my face out of frustration.
"The other guys?" He asks with a frown

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now