- XLII -

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Namjoon's POV

"The first good thing for today... We've been selling a lot of physical and online copies of 'Dark & Wild' so we deserve an applause"

By far the best numbers we have ever seen, but the music awards of the country are hard to reach.

"Second good thing of the day: right now we are sending some copies to the US and South America, did you know you have fans there?"

Y/N lifts her face when she hears that.

"Thanks to Adora, of course"

The need of praising her comes to my mind when Bang PD mentions the international fans.

The two boys closer to her pad her shoulders.

"Exactly! Thanks to the hard work she's been doing along with all of you"

She smiles a little after so long. In the past fifteen interviews programed, V and her were asked the same question: 'Are you in a relationship?'
Of course I understand the angry faces they always carry when we're on interviews.

Suga has advised them to act 'rude' in front of the cameras to avoid the uncomfortable questions but her sweet soul is not able to act up.
So here she is, with sad eyes because of all of the things said by the audience.

"The fourth important thing I want to talk about is, of course, the tour details"


"You know we have planned around sixteen dates around Korea. We have the sound ready but we still looking for some ideas for the stage. And apart from the album's song, we need two or three more songs for the set list. What outfits do you want to wear.... A lot of details so we better hurry up"

"We want lasers for the rap... hmm... Red"
"And green!"

Suga and J-Hope are really excited about the new 'Cypher' and so I am.

"Lasers... okay. But that's one only song, what about the rest?"

"White lights as thunders... for 'Rain' "

Y/N speaks and looks at Yoongi for a reassurance look.

He gives thumbs up with an straight face. I have talked to him and he's sure it is better to keep her close to watch over but not too close to get attached.

"Okay... that can be possible too" And the PD writes down the petition in his list as he did with the red/green lasers for Cypher.

"Can we have elegant clothes, like... suits? Shiny suits!"

Jin has such a weird sense of fashion.

"Shiny... suits... I'll write it here but we'll see what we can do for you"

"Can we sing 'Spine Breaker'?"
"Good idea, Jimin. It will be in the set list if all agree"

And after two more hours of refine details, we are free to work on 'personal projects'.

I'm not even surprised when Yoongi, Y/N and I walk to the same direction: The shared studios.

"Namjoon-ah, can you help me here?"

Hyung takes me to the first room so the girl enters to the one on the left.

"I'm still working on my mixtape"
"I'm glad to hear it, hyung"
"But I need your background vocals, can you help me with that?"

The next hour the background voices are ready. The hour after that one, we're sharing a bottle of Soju in the studio. This last months have been rough.

"That kid really fucked up her reputation. I understand it was a prank but media always takes everything too serious and too personal"
"I told her she should take things carefully with the social image"
"I mean, she would ruin hers and our reputation so she better"

We have another shot of the drink.

"Even though she's a bit clumsy, she's talented... and has a innocent soul"
"And you want to protect her, like you do with Jungkookie..."
"They're young and talented, they're very alike and it doesn't needs a detailed look to realize they need someone to rely on"
"I'm still thinking we should be careful with attaching"
"You already love Jungkook"

We know each other for a few years and when Jungkook arrived, everyone of us feel the need of taking care of him and his been growing up well so far.

"It is different, we all 'love' Jungkook, as you say, but we've been with him since always so there's no problem"
"And why would it be different with the girl?"
"What if she realizes she can have this fame on her own? Uh?"

Leave the band?

"It is well known that, even if she receives a lot of hate, she has a lot of people who support her... Mainly boys, even out of the country she's recognized! It wouldn't surprise me if the next year she decides to leave the band and start her solo career"
"Hyung~ You're thinking about it in such a very negative way"

He chuckles to my statement.

"You know what I think is happening?"
"What is happening, wise Namjoon?~"

I ignore the sarcasm in his voice and go directly to what I really think it's happening.

"You started liking the girl... Or even better caring about her. You just still don't want to accept it and that's why you keep on saying the 'Not to get attached' mantra"

He rolls his eyes, but I know that's true.

"Love her or hate her, she has such a mind... So while she's here and before she realizes about her solo potential, I'm gonna use her for the great of good"

Use her

"I got a feeling... she'll stay"
"Well, while you keep on daydreaming of her... I'll ask her for some ideas, the other day she was singing something that got stuck in my head, now I need it to finish the lyrics"
"You take too serious that about using her, don't you?"
"If it makes you feel better she will have each and every single one of her credits, so stop worrying Namjoon"
"Be gentle, she has a sensitive heart, as you could see"

We both stand up in attempt to leave the studio, he walks directly to the next room where she's been working all this time and I pass in front of the door, pretending not to care that much.

When the girl receives my hyung inside the studio, I stop my tracks a stay beside the door, where I cannot be seen.

"Adora-ssi, the other day you where singing this line... I got inspired by them, please read what I wrote and give an opinion"
"Oh! Sure, hyung!"

He wasn't joking about getting all that she has for the band, right?

It is predictable, at least for me, to see Yoongi acting like this. 'No strings attached' because he's been suffering for expecting more of what the people around him can really give him.

That's why he only trust few people, us inside that few. We have proofed we'll always give him what we can: our best.
Not only in music, but as friends as well.

I need to admit for myself, I value our friendship a lot, but I really started caring about her. Something about her tells me she speaks truth and her eyes irradiated the innocent inside her heart, just as the first time I look at Jungkook, so now I really feel like it's my job to keep her here.

Or in case she leaves, make her live good days with us, better days than the ones from her past, because as long as I know, she has a past as troubled as Yoongi's, thats why I think he likes her.

Mi manía the escritor volvio so enjoy

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now