- LXV -

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The eight gather together in the small room.

"As you saw, the stage is bigger than we thought so the distance between you needs to be bigger"

The coordinator of our performance today is making sure the concert is perfect.

"I was calculating around three more steps" J-Hope purposes while putting in his shiny black jacket.

"Good thought, Hoseok-ssi" The coordinator agrees "So then Y/N-ssi appears with Hold me Tight, the dancers know about the change of distance, and then you go up for Converse High, finally Baepsae having on mind this changes, let's go!"

Today's the third day of the tour. Our first tour after a serie of successful award shows and fan meetings. Since the first song for today, We are bulletproof pt.2, the crowd showed wild, really exited about what we prepared for them, I'm feeling loved by the fans again.

I go up on stage stepping in the middle of the scenario. I'm barefoot because I prepared a contemporary choreography for my song. It is my song after all, who says I can't show up?

I'm using the classic black leotard and a long skirt, with an almost transparent tone. My arms move desperately but still with grace, I never lay on the floor, instead, the dancers pick me in their shoulders to rap some parts but not losing the beauty I'm trying to show in the dance.

When I'm finally done, the applauses get louder, men and women with sparkling eyes, that's what my dance do, and I'm so happy, feeling almost as a professional dancer.

I go behind stage and listen to Converse High while putting on the tight leather jeans and the red lipstick.

When the song ends, the lights turn off and I run to my place, beside Taehyung.
I can also hear the staff helping the boys put on their jackets.

When the lights go back on and the sound of the well known Baepsae is heard, the crowd scream in euphoria. They know what comes next.

The dance goes well, every single one of them showing how masculine their hips are. I'm not getting distracted that easily because of them, tho, when V takes one of my hands and make me do a twirl before we do the hip thrust distracts my seductive mood.
But I take less than five seconds to recover, considering the past two concerts, this time the twirl takes me a back less seconds.

That's how Taehyung behaves on stage when you win his trust, flirty.

But I'm learning how to pay with the same coin. Britney Spears and Taylor Swift's videos are helpful, also some romantic books and even looking carefully at their own behavior, helps me turn myself into the flirty baby he doesn't expect me to be.

But to be honest, this is the first movement I make.

So when the song is about to end, after the Hobi's solo dance, I take V's hand in one of mine, making him do the same twirl I did with his help; but this time, like if we were dancing Tango, I hold his back and one of his legs up, making his body lay a little, like almost falling.

He is heavier than me.

I pretend I'm stronger than that and get my head close to his.

When the lights are finally off, I let Tae fall off but immediately offering my hand to stand up.

"You too heavy"

Once sitting backstage, fixing makeup, he's still with red cheeks.

"Your arms are strong"


Third person POV

When the concert's over, they come back to the hotel, laughing at the rom-com scene two of the four maknaes made.

But there's somebody who didn't really like the idea of Taehyung and Y/N openly flirting on stage.

Now that everyone is busy eating ramen, Jimin drags Taehyung to their shared room.

"I haven't finished my ramen, wait!"

But it's too late, Jimin has locked the door to avoid Hoseok or Jungkook, their roommates, to interrupt the serious talk.

"Did you think it was funny?"
"What are you talking about exactly?"
"You and her!"

Taehyung frowns but then his expression changes to one of understanding.

"Oh~ Baepsae?"

Taehyung sits in the bed besides, not showing much interest in what Jimin has to say.

"What with that?"
"You were flirting with her! In front of everyone!"
"Yes, I mean, ARMY deserves a lil' of comedy on stage and to be honest Adora and I look-"
"So you like her?!"

Jimin gets dangerously close to Taehyung.

"You know I obviously don't. But let me remind you of certain guy who wanted to kiss her as birthday tradition"

They keep looking at each other's eyes until Taehyung can't hold the tension any longer, so he stands up and walks around the room.

Taehyung knows damm well his mate, and he knows Jimin made some tricky moves to try to get her kiss, tho, Taehyung doesn't know the kiss happened for real.

"And even if me or you liked her, she seems to be in love with someone else"

Taehyung speaks up his mind.

"Yeah... Jungkook's a lucky kid..."
"I don't think it is Jungkook, Jimin..."

Again the 95's exchange looks.

"Well, even if it was Jungkook, you or whoever, nobody can have her"

Jimin is feeling kinda frustrated and jealous but Taehyung knows how to stop that.

"We all know it, Jiminie" Now both are facing each other directly "Just as we both know we can't be together either"

Jimin looks down after listening to the sad statement but Taehyung holds Jimin's chin, forcing the last one to look him in the eyes.

"But we both know our love goes beyond a relationship, right?"

Jimin feels the classical sparkles on his skin, knowing Taehyung is right.

"Then there's no need to be angry, right?"

Jimin exhales letting go of the past jealousy.

"Okay, then I love you, Jiminie"

Jimin makes a flustered pout, but before he can even answer, someone knocks the door desperately.

"Hyungs? Hyungs! Open the door! I forgot my card key and I really need to pee!"

Happy New Year! Thanks for reading.
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