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The said boy sitting in the kitchen island jumps in his place when I yell his name, making him spil a bit of the milk his drinking over the table.

"Oh, sorry~ My fault" I say while wiping the liquid.

He seems off, again. His eyes are lost in some far point of the white wall and this makes me think my plans for today are the correct ones.

"White is so interesting on walls, right?" I ask jokingly and he snaps back to reality.
"W- What?"
"I was asking if you were free today. You must be free today! It's our day off after all"

He seems to be considering his options and then nods "I'm free today"

"Great! Cause' you know? I got this new game where you need to kill zombie-"
"But you hate zombies' stuff" He answers before I can finish my idea.

"I'm doing this because I want to play video games with you tonight and you are only focusing on the fact that I don't like zombies?" I roll my eyes.
"Wanna play with me?" He asks rather surprised.

"Play video games with you, yes. It's been long since we spent time on those teenagers things and we're free tonight! So..."
"Well... if you say it like this... then I do want to play video games with you tonight"
"AHH~ Great Jungkookie" I steal some of his beverage "Can you pick me up at 7 from Anna's place? I promised her to go shopping"
"At seven?"
"Yes... Is that too early for you?"
"NONO!" He shakes his hands in front of me "If we spend that time together, it's okay by me"
"Great! Then let's meet at seven"


"And what about this one?"

Anna moves the curtain to a side, letting me appreciate the blue sundress she's trying on.

"Mmm... Yellow fits you better"

She makes a twirl in front of the big mirror and then pouts.

"Why yellow and not blue?"
"Blue makes you look sad... but you look pretty as well... you can buy it anyway"
"No... I wanna look happy when walking to college... I'll get the yellow one!"

We're at some random store with juvenile clothes, buying things for Anna's new wardrobe.

"You're just getting two crop tops?"
She asks pointing to the bag in my hand "I feel bad if I'm spending all your money and you just buy two small things!"

I chuckle at her words "It's okay"
"No! Let's buy something for you~" She thinks out loud while walking back behind the curtain "You said you'll go to Jungkookie's place tonight, right?"

I can't see her face, but she's probably smirking.

"Yeah, what with that?"
"That's a date, dummy! We'll find something cute for you to wear!"
"Anna, this is, for real, not necessary! It's video games night! I don't need-"
"BLA BLA- Let's pay for this and I'll get you something cute for the date"

Her words just reminded me she's not a kid anymore.

As soon as we're out of the store, she drags me to another one.

"I've always thought your color is red, but if you're staying at home green might fit"

Some simple outfits and dresses in green we're chosen by my sister and one by one, I was forced to try them on.

"Wow, this is it! Jungkookie will cry because of your beauty"
"I don't want the boy to cry~"

I turn to the mirror once more, finding a young lady in her early twenties smiling at me. Sometimes I forget I'm an individual away from all the fame.

"You look cute! Hurry up and buy it, sister"

I take a last look to the outfit, the short is the tight enough and the jacket comfortably loose, all in a pastel green.

"I'm doing this justs because you said"
I sounded dumb, like if she was the oldest. Ugh.

"Now come on! You need to put on some makeup! That bags under your eyes make you look like a racoon"

We headed back to her place, and just as she said, I worked a lil more on my appearance, light makeup and my hair up in an elegant ponytail; wich makes me wonder: why am I trying so hard if I'm just playing video games?

"Look at that! You don't look like a racoon anymore!"
"Shut it"

Just as she was about to talk back, the doorbell rings, signaling someone, probably my date, wants to enter. And before I can say something, Anna rushes to the door and greets Jungkook.

"Big brother!" She greets him, just as he calls all of them "I'm calling Y/N, wait"

She yells my name as if I was three kilometers away when I'm just next door.

"She must be here at any s-"
"Hey!" I greet the tattooed boy in a shy demeanor, but why?

"BIG BROTHER! Isn't she looking cute?! What do you say about her outfit?!"
Anna pushes Jungkook's words out of his mouth.

"She's beautiful... I mean! She looks cute, yes!"

My cheeks burn red and I feel the need to break eye contact.

"That's because I chose the color! But anyway, have fun you two!"

I walk closer to Jungkook before looking at my sister. "Ms. Choi will be here in half an hour. Don't do stupid things, please"
"Would never" She promises with an eye-closed smile

I sigh as I look at her, she surely has an ace under her sleeve.

We walk out of the apartment and Jungkook holds my hand to catch my attention.

"If you want to keep an eye on her, we can stay here and watch some movie-"
"NO! This is a night for just you and me!  She's all grown up as well, I need to start trusting her"

There was a peaceful drive and a hard battle to see who was the best in the video game.

"AH! LOSER!" He throws the controller to the side celebrating the victory that puts him three points over me.

"Man~ That was close! Three more bullets and I would've won"
"That's false but... Next one, loser!"

I press the green button so the story continues, but then it just appear the narration of the end of the story and the game's credits.

"No way we finished it all" He laughs
"What time is it, then?"
"Midnight" He said after looking at his phone screen.

"Ugh~" I jump face first to his bed, closing my eyes to let them rest from all the lighting they were exposed to "I'm hungry"

Jungkook follows my steps and throws himself to the bed, but he's looking at the ceiling. His peaceful demeanor is interrupted when I open my mouth.

"Why were you so distant this past days?"

His body tenses and his jaw clenched.
"I'm sorry"

"I'm not asking for an apology, I'm asking for an explanation, Koo"

"Everything got messed up after you confessed your feelings for me, that's why"

I recall all the memories from that day to the present one and, indeed, it all started with me and the song.

"Watching them flirt with you every three seconds is hard... Even harder if you arrive every night by the hand of one of them"

"I'm sorry" I said after realizing how hurt Jungkook might feel.

"You wanted something to eat? Maybe we can get some food at the 24 hours store"

He changes the subject as he he didn't just tell me he feels hurt. Should I let it slide?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now