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Everyone gathered in the small recording cabin, all of them holding paper sheets or their cellphone with the lyrics.

They're gonna re record 'Spine Breaker' one of the last tracks for their new album. They all agreed the song could have more energy if they record it once more.

"Ready? I'm gonna play it again from the top. Jimin please stop laughing"

Recording all together is chaos, one make laugh the others and the recording needs to start again. They are already in the third hour inside the studio.

Y/N is bothered by their playful attitude, they could just finish that fast and work on the next song, but no. So she's now paying attention to the rap part at the beginning. It's weird how a social criticism can have such a funny rhythm. Unconsciously, she learned the lyrics thanks to the constant recordings.

So at this point she recites the rap in her mind to distract herself from their stressing behavior.

"Okay... 5, 6, 7, 8!"

And the intro sounds, eight voices singing the chorus in sync.

Adora is so immersed in the lyrics that starts raping the whole first part of the song in a low voice; not realizing the music has already stopped because Jimin's foot slipped from the chair he was standing on to reach the microphone and interrupted the harmonious chorus.

Everyone's quiet so they're able to listen to her honey voice pronouncing each fast syllable in a perfect tempo.

She realized about the silence surrounding her when she finishes the first verse. Her face is red and her throat sore out of embarrassment.

"Y-You rap? You're a rapper as well?"

Wide eyes from the seven boys.


"WOW WOW. Looks like the group is actually balanced. Four in the rap side, four in the vocal side"

The producer interrupts the revelation moment since he heard all that.

"You got your own style, I have to admit" J-Hope, who's no more enemy with Y/N, hypes her as she is looking all embarrassed.

"Can we try giving her the second line at the beginning?" Even though he's talking to the producer, Namjoon is looking at the girl, mesmerized by the ease of her tongue, he feels like hearing that honey voice after his in that song.

"I guess we can do it. All from the top again, guys!"

And the music plays again.

The chorus goes without incident and Rap Mon starts with the first half of his verse and when he's about to finish, she looks at the girl with a secure sight and gives a light squeeze to her arm, to make her feel confident.

That makes her smile, immediately continuing the second half of the verse, sounding like a professional.

After one more hour the song's ready, with her voice performing a perfect rap.

"Wow, noona! You rocked it!"
"Aw, thanks Jungkookie... I promise I gave my best"

They're walking side to side in the hallway.

"Your voice is impressive, has a lot of nuances that you can even rap! Congratulations, Adora"

Namjoon couldn't keep this to himself, he needs to express his adoration for Adora's voice.

"Thank you, boss. I mean, you gave me the opportunity to try it with that verse, so thank you"
"Boss~" He giggles about that honorific, sounds so cute. "I'm not your b- anyway... just- let's keep on working hard, I loved your voice earlier"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now