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Yoongi's POV

How much time has passed since we stepped over an stage?
About a year. The making process of an album is long and hard to follow.

We are getting ready for the first day of the concert, here in Korea.

Tho, there's something that doesn't leave my mind since I saw the amount of sells and the fans we dragged with the new concept. There where no awards to be seen. Not a single recognition for our work, even though it was a drama to go through while making it.

I know the young ones just enjoy the fact of being able to sing, but I know there's something else as important as it, the charts and awards; you won't get recognized in this industry until your first Win. But none of our songs was enough to win? Bullshit.

"Suga-ssi, please sit down so I can finish your make up"
"Oh, yeah, sorry"

I was too deep in though while looking at the big hoody and black jeans I'm wearing. Jin hyung didn't get to wear shiny suits.

Everyone is looking as the street rappers I got to know, just a bit fancier since our clothes say 'SUPREME' all around.

The girl managed to wear sweatpants and a big jacket.

"Aren't you supposed to wear something like a skirt?"
"It is cold outside~"

Since she arrived she showed a deep hate for skirts, maybe because of school, but it is weird that she only wears sweatpants as all of us.

Her hair combed into two braids and mine is hidden in a black cap.

A lot of staff guys, that I didn't know existed, run from left to right and viceversa trying to fix our sound, lights, clothes and makeup.

The first show needs to be perfect, a good start guarantees great concerts after that one.

The concert is going acceptable, the place is a but small but it is crowded so it's alright. Didn't expected people chanting to heavy raps but that's alright as well.

The moment I was waiting for since we made 'Cypher' has arrived, the time to perform it.

We three are changing into red windbreakers to give a killer aura. But I fell a pair of eyes burning in my back, when I lift my eyes to the mirror, Y/N is looking directly at me, eyes like an abandoned puppy and I know what she's thinking...

Something like 'Hyung, I also wrote the song! Let me perform please~' But my answer is no, sorry kid.

We pass by her side and Hobi pads her head saying "Maybe next time, kid"

What's wrong why this guys? Just wanting to spoil the girl.

We finally stepped over the stage and the aura inside the theater changes, like if they know what's about to happen.

Feeling ourselves, rap floating in the air and running through our veins, this is what keeps me alive, every time.

There's a pause in the concert, about five minutes to prepare the white lights Y/N asked for the next song: Rain

It was a surprise for everyone when they accepted the duet song with only mine and her voice. But they thought it was a good idea to distract people from the scandal of V and Adora dating.

So here we are, wearing gray clothes, she's wearing, for the first time since we met, a dress which ends above the knees.

We sit in benches facing each other, and when the first sound of a thunder sounds, our song starts.

This song was kinda awkward when I first wrote it, because it was too personal for my liking, yet, singing like this with her voice takes the personal to another level, a healing level.

Her voices feels sweet to my ears and contrasts my raspy one, making the song a whole experience, or at least it is how me and the fans feel, because when the song ends, the cheering intensifies twice.

We have talent... she has talent.

The concert ends after four more songs that felt too short for my liking.
The first day was okay.

The eight gathered in the main room, where we rest after the concert, all euphoric after such a great experience.

"Ya~ Guys, we worked really hard, congrats!" Namjoon's in charge of recognize our efforts.

Meanwhile, the rest devour the noodles in front of each one.

"Did you see how much they liked Danger?"
"It's a hit, I bet this time will get a nomination"

We are all expecting the best for this album. Although, I'm working in my own album... my first mixtape.

I'm exited about narrating all the stories I don't dare to tell during BTS journey, so there's where Agust D takes place. But while I'm here with the boys, I just mind about enjoying what we achieved today.

"We should head back home, we're leaving tomorrow morning to Incheon"
"Let's go!~"

Two hours later I'm sitting alone in the sofa of our apartment. I couldn't catch any sleep but I found myself full of inspiration for a new song.

A sudden noise from the kitchen makes me jump in my place and hold the closest thing I have to hit somebody: A glass of beer.

A short figure comes out of the kitchen in tiptoes. Y/N fully awake with a glass of milk in her hands.

"Oh, it's you"
"Sorry, hyung. But I couldn't fall asleep"
"Make sure to turn on the lights, I thought it was a thief"
"Won't happen ag- oh, you're writing!"

She's so loud when talking.

"Shhh- Lower your voice, it's too late to be screaming"
"Also to late to be drinking beer"

Smart move.

"Go away, then"
"I thought we were friends now"
"No, leave now"

I look directly into her eyes with my must terrifying sight but she reminds in her place, in the middle of the dark is hard to distinguish any body language so I give up after few seconds.

"Fine. Stay if you want but no loud voice"
"Okay" She whispers this time.

I go back to the words I was plastering in the notebook when her whisper interrupts my thoughts.

"That word... 'rant'... you should translate it because it doesn't fits with hangeul"

I turn to her figure with a questionable look. She's almost leaning on my arm.

"Change it for 'damn' if you want to use english"
"Weren't you minding your own business?"

She pouts and changes her position, now sitting with her legs crossed over the sofa, away from me.

I read back the line and change it for the word suggested. I really mean the 'no attachment' line when talking about her, but I also really mean the 'She's talented' line.

"What do you think about this one line? I have two options for the end of it"

I show her my paper sheet and she analyzes it carefully.

"I really like the second one, has more metaphor style"

My brain got blocked, give me a second to assimilate the fact that I'm not attending the LA concert :(

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now