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There was a big cloud of mixed feelings following the seven low heads that entered, one by one, in the penthouse they rented for one night.

No one say a word, they all appeared to be frozen in the middle of the living room, that feeling's cloud still raining over them.

Jimin walks stealthily to where he supposes the kitchen is, Taehyung tailing him. Both reach the fridge and chose to drink some water.

"What do you think?" V asks Jimin an ambiguous question, the rest of the context traveling telepathically to Jimin.

"I love you and I love her, there's no doubt about what I'm gonna do" Jimin says, looking intensively at the younger guy "What about you?"

Tae had all the answers when he looked into the shorter guy's eyes "I love you and I love her too"

"Then you made your decision?" Jimin asks with a small smile
"Yes... If you jump, I jump" Taehyung said. They were actually jumping into the unknown abyss love means.

"Let's jump together, then" The short guy smiles way bigger, somehow they know Y/N's question doesn't need to be overthought, their mind and heart know what they want.

Both young guys walk side by side to the first room they find, the journey has drained all their energy.

Away from that room where the 95's are resting, the tension keeps on surrounding the missing five men.

With a cup of dark coffee in hand, Suga walks to the bedroom next to the occupied one, he needs some time to think, and just as he closes the door, his thoughts weight heavier and heavier over his shoulders.

He had already known Y/N's real intentions with them all, and those weren't sick ones... Then why is he feeling betrayed now, sitting in the edge of an empty bed so so far from home?

His bedroom door opens and closes fast, then Hoseok stands in front of him, his sunshine persona no longer shining as he also has his demons bothering his mind.

"You said I was the traitor... then why do I feel betrayed too?"

Hoseok put on a sad smile at his soulmate's words.

"You were never the traitor... It was our wrong perspective and her wrong doings" Hobi sits beside Suga on the bed.

"What are you doing Hoba?"
"I don't know... I'm not sure if she... you know... if she really loves me"

None of the guys keep that conversation going, it was too much for their hearts to bear.

"Let's just sleep, we have to leave early in the morning"

Yoongi nods at Hoseok's command and puts the, now cold, coffee over the nightstand.

They don't even try to put the blankets over their bodies, Hoseok lays down over his left side, head on the pillow while Yoongi lays over his right side, facing Hobi, his face hiding in the latest man's chest.

The sweet scent in Hoseok's body is the second one that always manages to make him relax; the number one is Y/N's.

Outside that second room, the lanky man recieves a call, an expected one, since leaving the country out of nowhere wasn't a good idea.

"Good morning, sir" Namjoon answers the call, aware of the time difference.

"Please tell me that you all are working home and not where she is"
"We are in New York, sir"

A heavy sigh sounds on the other line, their boss wasn't angry, he was kinda exhausted with the push and pulls the band has been doing.

"I told you, you'd meet her until she comes back to Korea, wasn't I clear enough?"
"We really needed to have this conversation... for the great of our last project"

That was partially a lie, the band didn't get to an arrangement, they didn't even had a proper conversation.

"You better not be caught by the cameras and come back here for tomorrow"
"Yes sir, we'll do. Sorry for the inconvenient"

Namjoon ends the call while walking to the first door he sees, realizing just after closing the door that there was only a jacuzzi.

"Problems and more problems" RM mumbles for himself and plops inside the empty jacuzzi, resting his head on the edge of it, like waiting for the air that sneaks through the window to take away his thoughts.

It passed few minutes in silence until someone spoke from behind Namjoon.

"There's no water inside that swimming pool"
"This is a jacuzzi, Jin"
"Who cares, anyway"

Jin dismisses his concepts' mistake and sits on the edge of the tube, just beside Namjoon's head.

"Boss has already called, he wants us back tomorrow"
"That was the plan since the beginning, wasn't it?"
"It was"

RM's eyes are fixated in the white walls and Jin's in his own reflection thw mirror in front of him offers.

"Don't you think we're risking the band and our integrity just for her? Risking everything just for a pair of pretty eyes?"

Namjoon thinks out loud since that question is feeling the tube he is laying in.

"I don't know" Seokjin confessed "I had enough from this drama... but I don't know if it's correct to let go"

The taller guy chuckles in a sad way "Before the press conference, I told her I loved her, but now I feel like I'm hating her... This is a sign that I'm in the verge of going mental"

"Going mental" Jungkook, who was eavesdropping over the closed door of the bathroom, whispers for himself.

The youngest was sure of one thing, rhat hug felt like real love, but now rhat he hears Namjoon, his experienced hyung saying that his going crazy, he dobuts about himself.

Does falling in love means going crazy? Or does it just happen with unfortunate people like them?

I promise you I jus came up with a cool plot for a mafia au, but can't find the words for a perfect fluff ending lool

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now