- CVI -

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The weeks passed slowly through Y/N's eyes.

There was not a minute in peace since Taehyung needed Adora's attention. Whether it was a pat in the head, a kiss in the cheek or holding pinkies together, V needed the physical reassurance that Y/N still loves him since the girl refused to talk about what happened that rainy day in a random parking lot.

But at the same time, Jungkook tries to catch Y/N's attention, and since he's too shy to get any skin-ship, he would make the girl work with him, so they ended up preparing a song together.

Jimin dared to talk to her again, only to make fun of the boys that need her attention. Of course, Y/N would defend her boys against Jimin, thus, instead of being friends again, they're driving to a worse state.

For everyone's surprise, Hoseok entered the game as the good boy, the one that gives Y/N a break from the tornado the maknaes carry with them. Hoseok gets inside her studio around 6 or 7 p.m., when he thinks she spent enough time with Jungkook, and takes her out for dinner; the perfect time to treat her like a princess in hopes of getting the recognition he deserves.

There were too much guys fighting for her and that, to be honest, was the bust of energy she needed to remember herself she was gonna be a heartless bitch, in a good way.

Today, again Friday, she's meeting with Miya in the club, maybe for the 4th or 5th time. But the best thing about this crossing was the angry faces the seven guys got, and even more funny, the way none of them dared to stop her from partying.

The oversized t-shirt plays as a dress, and not just any t-shirt but a fancy one Namjoon wore in a 'Mic Drop' performance; how did she get it? Who knows?! But is a good move to caught RM's attention. Under it, black fishnet stockings that make her thighs even juicier and the Balenciaga plataforms, similar to the ones Jungkook owns.

Just to tease, she walks through the living room, with four of them watching TV, to the kitchen, with three of them talking peacefully.

She opens the fridge and lowers her body to get a bottle of water from the lowest space, of course feeling the seven pair of eyes burning in her back.

"You're going out?" Yoongi asks
"Yes, I'm using my car, don't worry"

"Is that my shirt?" For the first time, Namjoon talks to the girl and her insides cheer loudly, mission complete.

"Oh- dunno... Is it?" She answers with a fake innocent pout, before leaving the kitchen.

"N- NOONA! You're going out like that? W- Won't you get cold?" Jungkook asks with burning red face.

"Don't think so... maybe some gentleman out there lend me his jacke-"

She was interrupted by a black hoody being thrown at her head.
The sweet masculine perfume mixed with vanilla invades her nostrils and she immediately knows whose clothing is it.

"Take it. Don't let them stare at your legs"

Jimin says, now only in a loose t-shirt, without looking at Y/N and now the flustered one is the lady.

"T- Thanks... Uhmm... I'll- I'll be leaving now"

She basically runs to her car and once inside, her smirk turns to a honest shy smile. So Jimin still cares for me.

The 20 minutes drive was quiet. No music since she was trying to gather herself together again and forget about the half rude-half cute Jimin from before.

The bar was crowded as always, she parks in front of it and fixes the indigo wig she uses to 'hide' her identity. But who else would were a long haired wig with such a shiny color? Only Adora, that's how her suitor spots her immediately she steps inside.

Not only the hair color, but her whole body, the energy she emanates and her sweet sent in a mixture of strawberry and mint gets everyone to turn their heads as she walks to her new friend.

Today Miya is wearing something more relaxed, a white hoody and black jeans, with black boots that make her taller than she already is.
Besides her, Adora looks like a small porcelain doll and that makes Miya smirk in amusement. Looks like she really got a crush on Y/N.

"Hey ~" Y/N is the first to speak.
"Hey, pretty. How have you been doing?"

They hug quickly but Miya lets her hand rest in Y/N's waist, and surprisingly, the last one doesn't seem uncomfortable with the proximity.

"As good as I can. Things get weirder every day"
"That's how men work. Give yourself a break"

Both walk to the bar and ask for light drinks, for some reason, Adora doesn't want to give the impression of a chronic alcoholic person.

Some chit-chat and Y/N tells about her life in other countries, about her sister and the multiple languages she can speak.
The last topic brings Miya to tell about her Japanese origin, her childhood hobbies and Adora finds herself smiling  mesmerized at how Miya's deep voice gets a hint of happiness while talking, how her eyes almost disappear when Y/N makes her laugh but most importantly, how her lips pout while speaking.

"You dance?" Adora asks when the stories got to an end.
"We're both in a group, of course I do!"

In the middle of the dance floor, of course, they become the center of attention.

A tall pale figure, with a black mullet and mysterious eyes dances beside a short cute figure, exaggerated long hair and sweet eyes as the cherry on top.

Y/N is not uncomfortable with the closeness the taller girl has with her body, nor the way she holds firmly her waist and sometimes places hair strands behind her ears.
More surprised as Y/N reminds herself that she is none even close to drunk, which means all that she's doing is because she likes that.

Is that how the game's supposed to go?

"You're thinking so much you're not even looking at me"

The sudden whispers of the deep voice makes her shiver in her place.

"My head's a mess, sorry. I'll look at you now"

Adora playfully places one of her hands in the back of Miya's head, making direct eye contact.

"You have such big eyes" Miya says and Y/N nods in agreement, knowing that's one of the things people praise the most.

"I like your eyes, actually" Adora answers rather flirty
"Oh, you do?" The Japanese takes it as her entrance "You know what I like the most about you?"
"What?" Curiosity dancing in the shorter girl
"Your lips"

No warning, now girls are sharing a rather heated kiss at the rhythm of Rihanna's song.

There's curiosity in Y/N's lips, she has never kissed a girl, and now she is here, kissing eagerly a woman she met few weeks ago. She doesn't regret it, she enjoys the moment and even pulls from Miya's hair lightly, remembering how she used to do with Jimin.

An interesting groan coming out from the other girl's lips, makes Y/N stop the kiss, panting like crazy.

"Wow" Is the only thing the taller girl says while Adora is a blushing mess.

Couple more songs, couple more kisses, Adora decided it is time to go home.

Both girls bid goodbye shyly, like if they haven't had a make out session in the dance floor.

The cool air faning Y/N's legs makes her snap out of the memories from few minutes ago and she hurries to her car.

Inside, she finds the hoody, the smell of it flies freely in the air inside the car.

That just makes Adora feel guilty for some reason, like if she was cheating on her loved one when she certainly doesn't have a boyfriend.

Then, why this guilty feeling in her chest?

Something buzzed in her hands, finding two texts delivered at the same time.

- From Yoongi
  (It's pretty late, you okay?)

- From Miya
  (See you next friday 😉)

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now