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"Why aren't you taking me with you?!"

Anna whines sitting in her sister's bed, while Adora packs some of the clothes she kept in the shared household.

"It's a party for adults"
"I won't drink a single drop of alcohol"
"I'm not talking about alcohol, I mean is an engagement party! They'll just talk about how expensive married life is and how they need to have children as soon as they get married" The oldest justified.
"Then you shouldn't go either! You don't even have a boyfriend! What will you bring to the conversation?"

Y/N's glares at her sister, but Anna has a point.

She does have a boyfriend, but she can brag about it. The topic itself sounds tedious, anyways.
'Adult's stuff', as she calls it, makes her nervous, she haven't thought about marriage and children, she just wants to be loved and to be in love.
She's only doing this because Seokjin asked, and because she likes the idea of congratulating the lovely couple personally; she's not planning to get in any uncomfortable conversations.

"I already promised to take you to some dates in the tour, you shouldn't be crying right now about not going to Gwangcheon"
"Oh" Anna stopped complaining.
"Yeah, 'Oh'. Now c'mon, I'm taking you back home"
"Yeah, yeah" Anna rolls her eyes not really wanting to leave the household where she can eat junk food all day and sleep passed 3 a.m. watching horror movies with his big bro Taehyung "I'm saying goodbye to the hyungs"

Adora drags her luggage to the entrance, with Anna following behind, and as soon as the younger L/N enters the kitchen to bid her farewells, the older L/N runs upstairs to meet Yoongi before leaving.

Without knocking on the door, she stomps inside Suga's room and closes the door behind her.
The so called singer is sitting in his desk, typing something in his laptop.

"I'm leaving now"

He looks away from the screen to meet her big eyes.

"Take care and don't let Seokjin say stupid things" He's sitting in front of the girl; Adora giggles at the words.

"What can he say for you to be this worried?"
"Her mom likes you"
"I know~ I like her too~"
"You really don't get it?" Suga asks a bit stressed and the girl still looks at him without a clue.

"Forget it. Just promise to text me goodnight" He stands up and hugs Adora by her waist, nuzzling her neck with his button nose.

"I promise I'll call you both days, Yoongi-ah" Adora returns the hug tightly and kisses his neck lovingly.

"Don't~" His body shivers at the contact.
"Because if you keep going, I'll make you stay here in my bedroom and not precisely writing songs" He lowers is voice few octaves and the one to shiver now is Adora.
"I- I'm leaving then... Seokjin wouldn't like to arrive late"

They share a slow sweet kiss before she leaves the room and walks back to the kitchen, bidding her farewells just like her sister.

"C'mon, mini L/N. Get in" Seokjin calls Anna as the three walk to the male's car, looking right now like a family. They'll take Anna to her place and then drive all the way to Gwangcheon.

The three and a half hours drive was quiet for Seokjin. Y/N fell asleep as soon as they left Anna at her place.

Comfortable silence is overrated.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now