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"Sunshine! Uh- Yoongi, where is Adora-ssi?"
"Not here, go away"

I close the door quickly after the (rude) negative answer from my friend. If she's not in Suga's studio, then where?

I click her name on my phone and it starts to ring, almost immediately receiving an answer.

"Hobi hyung?"
"Yes, it's me~ Where are you, lady?"

I press my lips together waiting for an answer, from the other side of the line, I hear a characteristic laugh: Jimin's laugh.

"In our office, why?"
"Wait there"

The management gave Bangtan a spacious room for us to discuss important business or just chill in the building before any meeting.

The lift takes me to the 4th floor and I walk directly to the last room, where 'Bangtan Sonyeondan' can be read on the door.

"Hey! Oh! All my maknaes are here!"

The three younger boys and the little girl greet me while offering some chips, I'm in a hurry, no time for food.

"Sunshine, I need your help, come with me"
"Right now?"
"Yes! Right now!"

She waves goodbye to the rest and steps outside the office.

"What are we doing, Hobi?"

She sometimes forgets about the titles when talking to us, but her sweet voice calling my name without the 'Hyung' makes our interactions more personal and I like it.

"I requested an opportunity to command the choreography for this song"
"The 'I NEED U' song?!"
"Wow~ Hyungie~ That's a lot of responsibility! Well, you are the dance leader after all, of course you can do it"
"Not without your help, that's why I'm calling you. You'll be my dance couple... Do you want to be my dance couple?~"

I put on my best 'puppy eyes' for her to say yes, but the sparkle that dances inside her eyes give me the answer before her mouth says 'of course, hyungie'

We're now running towards the lift, that'll take us to the lowest floor, where the practice rooms are waiting for us.

I chose the one at the bottom of the hallway, the more spacious and with the biggest mirrors.

"Look at this, Y/N-ssi, I recorded some ideas but I don't have the whole choreo..."

I handed her my phone, where I kept around five or six sequences we could use for the song. She nodded at every single one of them.

"But I also want your ideas, you know, you're the only girl and I want to include you perfectly for our song~"

She reminds quiet for a minute straight, like thinking about my ideas, then she stands up, making from her pink hair a long ponytail.

"Then let's start working, I liked the idea of the start in the floor, it is so dramatic, fits perfectly in the song..."

We use paper sheets, some markers, our phones to record the ideas and change what doesn't fit.

"Waitwait! Holding your pants like this-" I put my hand where my pants start, and move my hips as I thought it would be a good idea "Isn't it making you look... uhm..."

"Masculine? There's no problem..." She places herself beside me, hip to hip "If I push out my butt a little, like this"

And my eyes inevitably drive from her eyes to her butt reflected in the big mirror.

"And move my hips the same way..."
The movement was exactly the same rotation in her hips... but the way she is standing there, beside me, eyes burning like a wolf and that painful hips moving perfectly makes me dizzy.
"Here! It's the same movement but I look girly, uh? What do you think hyung?"

I stand there blankly, like I'm about to drool in front of her.

"I- It was uhm... too... sexy... I don't think guys should see this..."
"Well do you have another suggestion?"

No, I don't... But those hips...

"Okay, use that movement. Let's move to the next verse..."

"Namjoon-ah doesn't dance" this fact is well known for us.
"Then we can stand still while he raps and does things with his hands-"
"Like rappers do" I read her thoughts.
"Yeah! Ha ha, like rappers do"

The next verses were based on free style. We both stand in the middle of the room, the phone recording, and when the verse starts we let our own rhythms take control of our bodies. Then, when the verse ends, we stop the recording and choose the movements that fit better in the song.

It's like we're building up a Frankenstein with both of our styles. But the dance doesn't look like a monster, in fact, it is looking pretty good and elaborated.

The chorus was left at last to get the best ideas at the end.

"Well, I'm still liking the body roll you did for the end, but I think we can use it in my part you know? 'I need you girl, 넌 아름다워' "
And she copies my body roll from earlier.

Her left hand goes from her forehead to the end of her hair pink hair, like combing it.

Right hand driving from the start of her chest, drawing the curve of her breasts and then the hand going down from the start of that strong abdomen she works out secretly every night, to the height of her hips.

All of this while she sensually draws an 'S' form in the air with her whole upper body; not taking away her eyes from me, since we connected sights through the mirror.

I try to play it cool and not let the burning sensation in my ears distract me from my main purpose: finishing the choreography for 'I NEED U'.

But those honey eyes made me forget why did I walked towards her form or why am I standing so so close to her body.

"You didn't like it?" She asks me with a low voice, like fearing my answer.
But my ears don't listen correctly, my eyes just drive from her scared eyes, to her pinkish button nose, then to her shiny lips.

"Do it again... The body roll"

I can't think straight, my rational side was thrown out of the window the second she decided to dance like this.
Now only skin-hungry Jung Hoseok was left alone with one of the most delicious preys in this world: Y/L Y/N.

Without thinking it much, she plays the last chorus' song in the speaker again. And this time the body roll goes slower to my senses.

Her left hand goes from forehead to the end of her hair, but this time, my right hand travels from the same start to the back of her neck and stays there.

When her right hand travels down her front body, my left hand touches her right shoulder to end up holding her waist.

Finally, my body compliments her body when she makes the 'S' movement, so when the chorus ends, we are face to face, my exhalations mixed with hers and I can't avoid the way my lips get closer to hers.

I started to feel the taste of her cherry lips when hurried steps open the door.

"HYUNG! Jimin-ah is buying fried chicken for ever- Oh! What are you doing?"

Spicy~ I really enjoyed this one, hope you too
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