- VI -

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"And you still don't call Felix?"

It's lunch time after and exhausting training day.

I'm talking to Hye-jin while we're sitting outside the store I work at night.

Just after Felix departure, BigHit got a new trainee, another girl to my surprise, but she's really nice. She is the opposite to my persona; she is funny, savage, with a high self esteem and I'm just submissive, would never dare to discuss the management decisions, would never look as pretty as her.

But she always praises me and encourages me to get the recognition I deserve for my last year's work.

I've been here for a year now, I kept on writing songs and practicing to different projects while the others work in a collective different song. But having Hye-jin, who also likes to be called Hwasa, adds some fun and relieve to my stressed out mind.

"Not after that..." I finally decided to tell my 'unnie' about the weird Felix's goodbye.
"But he kissed you... He might miss you. Stop being shy and call him. Maybe he wants your help to get to another enterprise... you should call him."
"I promise you, I'll call him tonight after practice" I smiled because she convinced my mind calling him was a good idea. I miss him but didn't want to disturb his detox break.
"I'll be watching to make sure, huh?"

Now we are back in the practice room. But I started to feel anxious again; few weeks ago I experienced my first panic attack, just because the dance to this last song I've been working on doesn't fit in my body, so the coaches have been scolding me.

I'm feeling dizzy.

Practicing day and night in my free time is not enough and I can't keep an harmonious dance to this 'Danger' song, fuck. Adding more frustration by all the past dances I've never performed and the lyrics I wrote that feel like being stolen from my hands, I'm exhausted, really pissed off.

"Once again from the start Y/N, you started before the beat" this is the fourth time I dance to the song. Please take me outta here.

"Yes, teacher" I take a deep breath before starting again the dance. To my surprise, at the end of the dance, he gave me a pleased smile, did I really do well?

"Good, now go take a break, you are pale"

I look at me reflection in the big dirty mirror to my left and find the zombie version of myself. I should really sleep more than three hours. I exited the room and sit in the hallway, I finally got the dance but I'm killing my body, literally, is it worthy? It must be.

"Y/N come back to the room" One of the trainees call my name and I do as he says.

"Now that everyone is here, I got to tell you the news, I need every single one of you to sleep in the dorms tonight, even the girls..." He gives me and Hwasa a fast sight "... we'll be having a really early practice and there's no time to wait for everybody to be here. Knowing this, You can go to sleep, fighting!"

"Yo! This is unfair! Girls shou-"
"If you don't like the idea, you can leave your place... forever" Hwasa, of course, would try to defend our 'girl's privacy' but again the coach would cut her off.

"Don't worry, we'll protect each other" I whispered in her ear, it's just that we have to prevent any kind of rape attempts we've been trying to avoid for months. These boys won't leave us alone.

After calling the owner of the store to make sure she would take care of the night shift, Hwasa and I are sitting in the bed we share while drinking some instant coffee.

"You'll call Felix, right?" Her expecting eyes over me.
"I'm doing it right now if you stop looking at me like that"
"Fine, do it" she says while closing her eyes, she's funny.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now