- III -

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"Aish! Once again, 사람 y 사랑 are different, if you don't draw correctly it could be misunderstood... Well... I have to admit you're getting better at this- Hey! Don't make that sad eyes"

"감삼니다 오빠 ~"

"Yaa! Don't use that tone with me, it makes me cringe"

I laughed because I know how much he hates when I call him like that, and my voice is not that sweet to sound like a cute girl, I sound almost like a boy.

It's been a year since I arrived to Korea, I've been busy with my double work, my korean classes and my one-hour singing practice at the back of the store.

I improved my korean, I'm able to speak but it's really hard to write so I tried to translate my old lyrics to korean, those songs I used to write during my singing classes back in Europe. About my dancing, I surely forgot some moves, but nothing that can't be solved.

I'm trying my best, but not as hard as Felix. He's still at BigHit, but recently told me this 7 boys got to debut and he was far from having his own debut. He was a little disappointed, but still work day and night to get that ticket direct to the fame.

I decided a while ago that when I learned enough of korean language I would apply for an audition at BigHit, at least Felix could tell me what those people like to watch in a performance.

"Won't answer if you keep on calling me like that"
"Okay, Felix... Do you... Do you remember what will I do when I learn the enough korean?"
"Yep, get an audition for BigHit, I'll keep my word... I take you there. But remember it is not sure to become a Trainee immediately, and even worse  it is not sure thing to debut... Are you sure y-"

I cut him during his unmotivating speech.
"I came here because I have a dream, and even if I don't make it in the audition, at least I tried, then I'll get another job, maybe a house and... what matters is to use the opportunity, I won't take too personal the results"
"Whatever, do you have ready any song?"

Time skipped and we agreed I will have an audition in the next announcement wich was in two months.
Two months seemed too long, but it wasn't actually, I had to improved my korean, and my singing and dancing skills. I decided I will perform a song in english, it is way easier for me to speak.

Then here I am, holding onto Felix's shirt as if my life depends on it while I wait for my name to be called. Sweating cold and breathing heavy, that's what I do when I'm nervous.

"Yaa~, take a deep breath, you'll do it fine" Felix whispered in my ear trying to comfort me.
"You just can say it cause' you've been in this for a long time... Shit, here he comes..."

The receptionist is the one calling the long list of aspirants. I heard him call my ID number and my breathe got stuck in my lungs, my legs started shaking and my whole body experimented goosebumps. Standing up the slowest way I could, I let go of Felix's shirt the same slow way and then I realized everyone's been looking at me, the only non-korean girl ready to perform in front of a bunch of korean boys in different ages.

Gosh... If I could only look half confident like all the boys from here...

Taking a deep breath, I entered the second room... all the walls with big dirty mirrors, a big folding table and three chairs; then, three gentlemen sitting there while shouting-whispering something between the three of them.

"Your name, age and the song's name" The man sitting in the middle, with big nose and short hair talked to me in a fast korean, I'm actually surprised I understood that knowing how nervous I am.

"Y/N, I'm 15 and the song is The Reason by Hoobastank"

Taking another deep breathe in a single day, I started singing and I gave my everything.
A month ago I even practiced with a choreography and at the real moment I forgot the damn dance and even omitted the last chorus of the damn song. I was about to run away from there while crying but the little dignity I held make me stay.

"You did well..." The man at my left said "Unfortunately, that was not korean, you spoke korean at the beginning, why didn't you sign it then?"

Well... Fuck.

I knew I will ruin it if I didn't use their language, but I needed to sing in english so I could feel comf-

"Don't put on that sad face, I said you did it great... but not perfect..."

Well, shit for me again.

"But we got to admite it, your voice is unique, I liked it..." The same man in the middle spoke again.

"We'll do something: you'll have another opportunity, the last one... but you'll perform a korean song, then we'll think about taking you on our teamwork. Do you like the idea?"

A single tear drop falling from my eye. Happiness, it says. An opportunity, it celebrates.

"Yes sir, thank you so much!" I was about to faint while bowing to the three males. "I'll do my best"

"When would I got to sing for you?"
"Two weeks, maybe? We've got your information, we'll call you"

And now that sounds like a no-opportunity at all...


𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now