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"I keep on hoping to find you
Reaching in between the sheets
Baby, it's only been one night
Feel like it's been like a week
Tossin' and turning..."

Adora stops the recording again, the words just don't come to her mind to finally complete the bridge of her fifth song.

"If Namjoon was here, he'd surely gave me three solutions already..."

The faint smile that paints her face hurted at the memory of the lanky man that produced most of the songs of BTS by her side.

She plays the song again in hopes of some mighty light giving her an idea for the current song.
But again the dead silence after the song eats her alive, not allowing her to have one single good idea.

"Yoongi and Hoseok would've write a whole rap for this already..."
She again comes back to the memories of the other producers and her heart throbs like warning her to stop thinking about them, but she just can't.

The idea of calling someone of the vocal line crosses her mind, knowing they're good with metaphors, but again, her hand stops mid way in reaching her phone... She can't do that.

"Ugh~" She groans in frustration, producing an album all by yourself is hard, but being all alone when the sad thoughts and memories reach your mind is even harder.

To avoid the last scenario, she decides to take a walk, the habit she picked up after arriving to Malta.

She would walk all alone through a long path that leads her downtown, that path full of sunflowers, the songs some birds sing for each other and the sun that vanish a bit of the coldness in her heart.

At the end of the path she takes a bridge that crosses a clear river, sometimes some frogs at the sides would croak as a greeting for the lady in sundress and straw hat.

Arriving downtown, locals would greet her with a light nod, some little kids that are not that shy would say hi to her and giggle excitedly when Adora greets them back with a soft voice.

Like Malèna, taken out of the book, she would catch discreet - and some not so discreet- stares from the people that usually pass by.

Men and women bewitched by her figure dressed in that fresh dress, hair in a tint of washed burgundy reaches passed her waist and flows throughout the breeze and her eyes shining as diamonds; but the most alluring thing was her voice... she didn't speak the official language, but her English was enough to communicate and just as that british accent makes its way through her words, any ear that catches the voice stays mesmerized until two or three days after hearing it, not being able to forget such mermaid voice... was she a singer or something?

Adora was almost not aware of her effect in the world around her, she just sometimes catches couple guys following her with their gaze, but she paid no mind... her past 'savage maknae' title giving her the strength to ignore those eyes.

She would usually make her way to the library but today she chose the ice cream shop. Her favorite flavore in her tongue manages to make her smile, forgetting a bit about the writing block she had earlier.

Now that the thoughts left her mind rest for a second, she realizes that the sun following her all the way downtown was actually setting down, and again, she feels pity for herself, knowing she wasted another day without a song for the album, which leads to one more day far from the people she misses the most.

She sighs saddened and decides to leave the place for now, making her way back to her house to change clothes for something to visit the closest bar in Malta, take some drinks and smoke a cigarette; that was her other new habit.

She's back in town around 9 p.m., now in a black outfit, nothing much revealing, she just wants to pass unnoticed by the citizens, but that alluring beauty is hard to ignore, of course.

She sits close to the bar, to avoid the blind spots that might make her bump into dangerous people. Nevertheless, there are always two or three males watching her every movement, and when she takes a cigarette from her purse, those guys would get closer, lighter in hand, ready to serve the lady.

After this three months, she has gotten used to this shows, but she would never cross a word with those filthy dudes. Instead, she takes the opportunity to hurt herself, replaying her favorite memories of those seven stars she once knew.

The straight Vodka in hand glups down the memories when they turn too much to handle, and the cigarette plays as the tears she no longer drops. It was like after hurting too much she was left empty and now she can only feel pity for herself, wishing some day she'll recover and find herself a new purpose, or the answer to the problem that made her walk away from her idol life.

At 11 p.m. or so, she leaves the bar, deciding there were too much masculine eyes to handle.

The walk through the square was lonely, the clicking of her black heels accompanies the ghost of her lovers that hunt her at night.

Some of their laughter, sometimes some words whispered to her ears and, when she drinks more than necessary, the arms of them around her waist, makes it hard for her to focus on her recovery.

But when she reaches her house, the silence becomes the sentence she pays for ruining the only family she had.
That's the feeling she can't never put down.

She looks around the room stopping on the big window, where seven stars shine devilishly every night in the sky to remind her of them... shivers run down her spine every time.

She misses them. She truly loves them, but they also need time. She hasn't healed at all either, she knows it, but the need of visiting them, see them at least from afar is strong... the need becoming stronger at night... That is the habit she can't break yet, loving them that much.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now