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If this doesn't work I'm fucked, because I still don't have any fucking song.

"Welcome guys! Please have a seat!"

This is the meeting we have with the management to organize all the projects for the new album. From the track list, to the photo concepts and even the biggest world tour in all our carriers.

"Let's star with..."

I raise my hand as you would do on school and everyone looks at me.

"Yes, Adora?"
"I have a request, sir"
"Uh- Tell me?"
"Vacations. We need vacations"

Everybody looks at me like I'm out of my mind, but I have my arguments ready.

"We've been working non stop since... maybe 'Wings'. We need some rest, sir! If you give us sometime to recover, we will come back with all the energy required to make the greatest album and the biggest world tour"

The boys didn't know about this but they don't talk against my idea.

"You want vacations?" The PD asks the rest of the band and all of them nod eagerly.

"It would be nice, boss" Hoseok says
"And how many time do you think you need?"
"Three months!" I say and all of them gasps in surprise

"That's too much, Adora-ah"
"Two months, then"

I'm actually the only one negotiating our break.

"And you'll finally have the song we've been requesting for the past two albums?"

Low punch.

"Yes! The greatest song you'll ever listen to!"

The three business men exchange looks.

"One month and a half, that's all we'll give you"
"But not like Bon Vonage, right?"
"Take some videos we can show to ARMY and you're free"

I look at my bandmates, we won vacations!

They all smile excitedly at the idea of free time. Now I really need to find a song for the album or they'll kick me out of the group.

After long talk about the restant details of the next chapter and me promising the song would be ready when I come back from the break, we all leave the office slowly.

"So where are we going, Y/N?"

Namjoon hurries his steps to walk beside me.

"We? So you're traveling with me?"
"I would like to... May I?"
"But where do you want to go?"
"Uhmm..." He puts his finger under his chin like thinking options "I remember certain lady who wanted to visit Venice and travel on a gondola..."

I feel how a sparkle of excitement runs through my spine. Venice has always been my dreamed destination.

"You and I in Italia?"
"Would you like to?"

I look at him and the butterflies rebirth in my stomach.

"I would love to. Let's do it!"
"Okay, then let's plan our week there an-"
"NO!" I just remembered I have something important to do "Let's plan it tomorrow, please. I need to do something very important right now"

He gets a confused expression but agrees to prepare everything tomorrow.

Thus, I run to my studio and get ready to go out. I tie my hair in a braid and put on the bucket hat I stole last night from Suga. I change my clothes to some jeans and a black hoody so I don't look like Adora usually does.

I walk or maybe run to the bus station, to reach the Fantagio Entertainment building, my boyfriend's agency.

After fifteen minutes, I'm in Fantagio Entertainment's parking lot, waiting for Eunwoo's car to appear so we can talk appropriately.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now