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Taehyung's POV

Scrolling through some internet pages I find this weird picture of Jimin, like mimicking the last picture I updated.
'Good edit' I thought while scrolling again, but when I found the same picture of him with different filters, it meant that it was actually a real uploaded photo.

"Dirty move, you, Jimin-ah" I say for myself since I'm locked up in my bedroom.

I close the current app and immediately press certain name in my contacts.

"Did you saw his picture?!"

Adora's laugh crosses the speaker.

"I did, indeed. He's playing dirty"
"HA! I thought the same! You know what that means?"
"Mmm... no"
"Think bigger, Y/N-ie!'
"No think"
"Agh~ I mean: HE is playing, so WE'RE playing too and way better"
"And how exactly?"
"We have a meeting at 5 o'clock, right?"
"Yes, TaeTae"
"Then wait for it. If we're playing like this, I'm going to show him I'm thirty times a better boyfriend"

She laughs even harder than before.

"Yeah sure, boyfie"
"What's that?"
"A shorter way to call your boyf- You know what? See you there"

She hangs up and I immediately get ready for the meeting, not forgetting to ask for the biggest bouquet of tulips, I know her favorite flower since I'm a good friend and the best fake  boyfriend.

The handsome V of BTS, a.k.a me, personally left the roses in the reception, requesting the secretary to give it to 'Adora-ssi', the reason: 'some award she won', but without Adora knowing who sent it or why.

I wasn't considering the fact that in the exact moment I was giving the instructions to deliver the flowers exactly 25 minutes after the meeting has started, Jimin would entered the building. He caught me red-handed, but this gonna make things more interesting.

"Good afternoon, Jimin-ah" I greet while we both walk towards the lift.

"So she was the one of your so-called date?"
" 'She' who?"
"I'll consider it as betrayal" He ignores my question, already knowing I'm just playing dumb.
"Why, Jimin-ah? You didn't want to get her back, then I will fight for her. You are already with someone, don't you?"

He doesn't answer and the lift opens its door.

The meeting is passing by, me siting in front of Y/N, Jimin and Hoseok siting on her sides when the receptionist knocks on the door.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt the meeting but I was requested to give this personally to Adora-ssi"

The receptionist enters with the big ass bouquet and places it over the table, in front of the girl.

The lady exited, leaving me alone with five astonished men, eyes wide that they might come out of their place and mouths open, their chin might hurt the whole week.

Jimin played the uninterested guy, paying attention to his phone and not to the big ass bouquet beside him.
But Y/N's face was a work of art. Evidently flustered at the little gift, her ears and cheeks got a vibrant red but her eyes were two guns ready to shoot me with her anger in between my eyes.

"What the- You have a boyfriend?" Yoongi was the first to get out of trance.
"No! I actually don't know where this came from..."

The flower shop near my house, of course.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now