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There's a knock on the main door and I already know who is it. Then I hear hurried footsteps. Oh no...

"Oh- hi, mate"

There's no time to worry about curling eyelashes. I hurry to the entrance.

"Yoongi-ssi! Thanks for opening the door! Uhmm... see you later!"

And I close the door in front of his face once I'm outside

"Hey there~"

And we share the classical warm hug we always exchange when we meet.
We walk silently to the nearest cafe, that's our date.

"So... did they say yes to the tour?"
"YES! And I'm beyond happy like- ugh! Finally my dream comes true~"
"So that means... you'll leave Seoul soon... right?"
A nostalgic tone scapes his mouth.
"Yes... but for few months, maybe three or four... we're not that big"
"I will miss you, tho"

There's something else in his eyes

"I will enter to a reality show, they'll make us compite to get in to the group, you know... 'to gain reflectors'"

When there's something messing his mind, he can't keep it too long, so he spits all out like this, so spontaneous.

"Didn't you have your place already?"
"Looks like no more..."
"I'm so sorry, Felix"
"... There's something I think could cheer me up... before I get looked down in that building"
"Be my girlfriend, Adora"

I literally spit out the coke I was drinking. What?!

"Do you like me?"
"Well... you're cute and-"
"Do. You. Like. Me. Like. Me?"

Do I like him? I mean, the butterflies in my stomach every time I see him mean something, right?
We kissed before and the lightning I feel in my lips, is that love?
Tho, he's my bestfriend, I can't turn him down like that.

"Don't get mad... I guess... I do"
"The 'guess' is enough for me"

We smile to each other.

"So... girlfriend?" I nod "I adore you"
My heart feels warm like my red cheeks, maybe I didn't misunderstood my feelings and this is love.
"I adore you, Felix"


I'm so fucking tired of this dumb ass school uniforms, this doesn't match my swag self. Can't wait for this concept to end once and forever.

"Hyung! Your tie!"

Jimin hands me the red tie, we're all wearing red.

I don't really like traveling, takes too much of my energy; thanks god, the tour are only around 5 cities.
Right now we are in Busan, and the only frenetic guys are Jimin and Jungkook since their families are coming to our concert. Lucky guys.

Slowly, the eight get together in the center of the scenario, behind the big ass curtains.

"We got this guys. Let's have a great start, I want all your energy tonight"

Our two fingers in the center of the circle the eight formed.

"Let's show them what the bulletproof boys are made of"

Fingers down and microphones in hand, let me show them what Suga is made of.

Being in the stage makes me feel alive, it is the only moment when life gets its real colors, no more grays. There's blue, red, green and even pink.

Since the first time I became self-conscious, I knew what was for me, what I expected for my future: this.

Tho, it wasn't easy, nobody said it was easy, but... not having support of the ones that are supposed to help you is... ugh- hard.

We're now in the final song, and since 'Spine Breaker' is a hyped song with a great message for teens, we sing it at the end.

The intro starts an we all are around the stage acting cool.

My rap fluent as the thinnest air but I stop in my tracks when a female voice steals the second line.

I reminded quiet and amused by her talent. I almost forgot she won that line. I need to admit, her voice is also made for rapping.

I have heard her rapping to our Cypher pt. 2. I would say it is not for 'all audiences', not exactly for her pure self, yet she sounds like a real demon in disguise, ready to drag to her feet whoever that listen to her voice, just because she is so mesmerizing.

We finish the song. Everyone erupts in cheering, screams and some cries.

She has a satisfactory smile in her plump lips. Maybe... just maybe... she was made for that rap.

"I'll let you know... she's also part of the rap line"

I didn't even realize what I just said; not until the boys and the girl herself looked at me, surprised eyes. And the crown breaking the silence again, cheering my statement.

She bows at me and I smile returning the bow with pink cheeks. Hate you, pale skin.

Once down the stage, we gather in the waiting room to greet Jimin and Jungkook's families.

The Jeon and Park family are so nice and kind to us. Since we were trainees, they were always interested in our progress and small presentations and of course still take care of the seven of us as their own sons. They're so special.

The adults are greeting the little girl, and as expected with the rest of the world, they love her just after she said 'Hi'.

We gave privacy to the maknaes amd their parents, so we are in the next room. But as soon as I take a sit, Y/N's sad eyes caught my attention.
She's looking down at her phone and breaths out heavily.

"What's wron- oh... Family"

When I got closer to her, I was able to see her lockscreen, a little girl hugging her. I'm not good at family stuff.

"Don't get sad, enjoy your perfect presentation of today... You might be able to see them back in Seoul"
"She's not here... they don't even imagine what I've been doing here"
"So it is true you scaped from your house to be here"

More than a question it's an affirmation, the boys and I have been gossiping about that.

"My little sister is the only one that knows this, they don't... really like me now"

I know how it feels like. My oldest brother is the only one who supports me, luckily I'll see him in Daegu.

"You'll see her... but for now... work hard for her" And I pat her head, she's so pure to be that sad.

I walk away, again to my old sit but my heart keep on pounding. It was like a saw myself in a mirror and it can't be less weird... this girl...

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𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now