- XXIV -

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Twitter, YouTube TV and multiple Internet Pages were full of Y/N's face.

That spicy appearance and the angelic voice made the world go upside down.

Thousands of korean spectors didn't approved, the girl... she wasn't like all of them, she was kinda... different.

A lot of masculine eyes plastered on the band. Most of the fans hated the new member, yet another amount of fans found that... interesting.

Who else found that interesting? Competence, they are sure the band just built up their graves, and that was their opportunity to steal the reflectors.
Who else? International media, since she's from the american continent, she surely would give a 180° turn to the band, but for bad or good?

"Ya~ they're making you look sexy on the pictures! Mine looks like I'm a baby"

Jimin and Y/N are scrolling through some magazines' articles on internet.

"They are sure I don't 'fit in the korean stereotype'" More than a joke, concern could be heard in the girl's voice.

"Oh! Don't mind them! We never fit in their so-called stereotypes anyways, you just keep on working hard"
It might not look like it, but Jimin is one of the most criticized idols, including in the list two or three more of their bandmates; but he looks like he manages it well.

"You shouldn't be worried about this, you should be WARMING UP your legs for the practice" Namjoon also wants to know about the impact the girl had in their last presentation, but he also know most of the critics would be rude, so he doesn't like his little ones to read them.

Now the 8 teenagers that belong to Bangtan, gather in the middle of the dance practice room.

J-Hope likes to challenge his brothers in a dance practice that usually, because of their competitive asses, ends up in an all-styles dance battle.

He heard the rumor the little girl learned different dance styles back in her country, but was she really at his level? Today he'll find it out.

"Well, we are here for our... X number collective practice. Of course our first time with Adora-ssi"

All of the boys look at her, fire dancing in their eyes, they love to be competitive with this thing just for fun, but internally they know it's their opportunity to witness Y/N's real potential.

"I guess Jimin explained the basics, right? Everyone vs everyone, no teams, you'll dance vs all of us, and so we'll do"

The girl nods. She's excited because she'll show them what this lady of the group is made of: talent.

"Well, let's start with something easy~"

Suddenly, the big speakers inside the room vibrate to the rhythm of something simillar to hip-hop.

The boys are in their exact element. Tho, half of them take it as an opportunity to win their 'goofy competition'. Jin and Namjoon started dancing like monkeys out of control, later Suga and V included in the goofy dance. When they had enough, they declared Jin hyung as the best hip-hop dancer provoking a big smile in everybody's face.

"Now time for the real competition~"

Devilish voice in J-Hope when he played his favorite song. His body immediately reacting to the beat and his well-known flexibility appears as fast as he starts his first 'popping' moves.

Jungkook feels attracted by the beats and joins his hyung, trying to be faster with the movements. But J-Hope has, of course better movements, his bubblegum ankles and knees wiggle from one side to another, not looking like a fish out of a river, but being the strong river himself.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now