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She's giving her speech to hundreds of AMRYs here in the Wembley Stadium, the natural british accent dripping from every word so my ears and heart feel at ease, even if I get less than half of whatever she's saying.

Her eyes are glossy, might as well be talking to something related to her private life, that makes my heart skip a bit, would've like to be able to hug her tightly, kiss her forehead and tell her everything's gonna be alright.

Y/N had a rough day today. Her mother, who happened to came back and live here in the UK, visited the stadium earlier today, before the concert. Some new guy in our staff didn't know Y/N and her family weren't in good terms so he let her in happily. Little one bumped into her mother in the hallway.

Her mother tried to talk to her, about her regrets in life and how she wanted to build back the family bond they were supposed to have since day one. Y/N turned down the offer, for her own sake and her sister's sake, who was sleeping in the hotel near here. The old woman screamed and cried for Y/N's forgiveness, my girl forgave her progenitor, but didn't let her come back into their life, maybe that is the best for her and her little sister.

Immediately after the encounter, she came back to our waiting room crying, broken to see the woman who gave them a hard time growing up, once again.

Yet she's here, giving the brightest smile to our fans, spreading love and gratitude to them even when saddened.
You are strong, I said that to her minutes before the concert started, and how did she react? She said she is strong because she learned it from me.

I laughed, hasn't she seen me close enough to realize how the wounds sometimes still bleed from my soul?

All the insecurities and the missing parts for me to be a good oldest brother still haunt me, yet she said I'm strong?

All this time she made me strong. She would gave me the sweet supportive words when I couldn't bare the weight of being a leader; she gave me that patience to learn the choreos and lyrics when I was starting to give up... and she dares to say she learned to be strong from me?

She's an unbelievable beautiful soul. That's why I decided I would stay by her side, to look after her, to admire her shiny existence. I'll be the moon to her earth.

"... And I think that's the only thing I got to say, so... shall we go to the last two songs?"

The cheering from the crowd made me wake from my daydream, and I tried to concentrate back to our songs, my sight drifting from time to time at her, to make sure she isn't feeling down or something.

Worry was written in all of our faces, knowing her current situation, we would hate to see our brightest star not shining tonight we were worried about this first night in UK.

Suga is the one closest to the situation, so he might give some good advice to her, but this time, only for this time, I wanted to show how I'm also worthy of her love.

"I'll stay with her as planned, don't worry"

Were they unsure of the decision or perhaps jealous? I don't know, and for the first time, I don't care; the only thing in my mind now is not letting the girl down.

When I enter to the room, she has already taken a shower, she was currently drying her hair, eyes lost in some far point of her reflection in the mirror.

I follow her steps and hurry to take a five-minute shower, not wanting to leave her alone for much time.

Dry and dressed, I walk to the room finding her in the same spot, head hanging low.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now