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I turn around where I know there's my bed, but when I turn on the light, ready to jump over it. A pair of big doe eyes are watching me.

"J-Jeon Jungkook?"

He's sitting at the edge of the bed, big eyes that shine with the only light bulb in the room.

"H- Hi..."
"Can- Can I help you with... something?"
"No... I wanted to... talk to you?"
"Umm, okay? I'm listening, go ahead"

And now I realized, we haven't talked since our meal together.

"I- We didn't talk today"
"I know..."
"I- I missed you- I MEAN I! YOU! We are friends, right?"
"Yes... is something wrong, Jungkookie?"

His faces was light pink at the start of our conversation, but when I called him Jungkookie he turned all red, close to the point where I thought he was close to die.

"J-Jeon? J-Jeon Jungkook? Are you breathing?! Oh gosh! I need he-"
"I'M BREATHING! I- YOU- DID YOu just called me Jungkookie?"
"Yes... (?, is it wrong? Do I need to ask for your authorization or..."
"NO! It's all right! I like it, tho you are the older here, you can call me like that if you want..."
"I'm older than... you?"
"Yes, 3 months, I counted them the day you arrived"
"Wow, you are fast... and good at math"
"No, not me, that's Rapmon hyung"

Silence, we're not social butterflys, for sure.

"Uhmm-" both at the same time let out this sound and laugh at the same time after it, weird.

"And what did you need to talk about?"
"No- Nothing special, I wanted to talk to you... to keep our friendship going"
"I didn't make much friends before coming here so... I wanted to keep our friendship fresh haha"

That's so sweet of him. And that reminds me how lonely my life was before coming here, I barely have 3 friends now, and one of them is my sister.

"I don't have much friends either... Let's keep our friendship fresh" And I extend my hand for a handshake, but surprisingly he pulls my whole arm and engulfs me in a sweet hug.

"You see... I don't talk to much and making friends is kinda weird for me so... I hope you can be patient with me"
"If you are patient with me, I can be patient with you too"
"Great! Then it's a deal!"

10 seconds of silence. Yes, I counted them.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"The guy that visited you last time... I saw he... hugged you"
"Oh! The hug! No, that was nothing, like, he just said goodbye with an hug and then left"

I thought he saw the kiss, thanks heaven he didn't.


10 more seconds.

"And... Do you go to school?" My turn to ask since it looks so hard for him to formulate another question.

"Yes! High school! I'll start this year... Actually in few months I'll start attending classes"
"Whoa... And don't you think it can interfere with your idol life?"
"No! The enterprise had made my schedule, so I don't lose any responsibility here or at school"

That must be nice.

"Wich school are you attending?"
"None, actually"

Uh, looks like I forgot to tell them I run away from home.

"Don't your parents want you to finish basic school?"
"Mhmm, I guess?"
"Why don't they pay then? Oh... is it a money problem? We can talk with the boss, my mom helped m-"
"No. My parents are not here, they can't look after me"
"Oh... sorry"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now