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After leaving Jungkook in the airport ready to visit New York with his bestfriend, Jimin and I came back to the apartment, to get ready for the night.

It was around 4 p.m. when we started choosing posible outfits, jewelry, makeup and good music to get ready to.

It's now 7 o'clock and we still chatting in our towels about possible things we could do the rest of the week.

"Boy~ I think we should get ready now. Your friend is picking us up in an hour"
"True... get your hair done, I'm taking a quick shower"
"You haven't?!"
"You took basically a whole ass hour in the shower, shut up!"

Once he disappears form my sight, I turn to the mirror, turning on the hair curler. After few burns in my fingers and scalp, I gave up on hair and fixed my makeup, some natural color for the eyes, big lashes and red wine lips.

The shower stops its sound so I know Jimin is about to come back to the room.

I run away to the living room, letting him get ready with some privacy.
I'm adjusting the black crop top on my sides, to prevent any problem with parts of the skin I don't wanna show.

I struggled with the red leather pants that got pasted to my legs and then my hips, but when it reached the waist, it looked perfect, or that's what I could see in the big window.

The Alexander Wang boots gave the last detail for my look and I smiled again at the reflection in the window. The smile soon disappeared as I saw my entangled hair.

I knock on the door and wait for Jimin's 'come in'

He is dressed in a perfectly all black. The loose black shirt has the first three buttons undone, so I can see his shiny chest. The skinny black jeans scream the hard hours of training and finally the natural makeup makes his eyes look hooded but mysterious. Handsome.

"Your hair's a mess"
That's the first thing he says.

"Oh! Haven't realized! Thanks for saying" I say rolling my eyes annoyed "Please help, Jiminie~"

I extend the hair curler for him and he clicks his tongue like if he realized there's only 15 minutes to get ready.

"Just because you have short hair and is way easier, otherwise I would've let you go like that"
"Thanks, hyungie~"

He definitely knows about beauty, his face screams that word, that's why I can trust in whatever he does to my hair.

Exactly 15 minutes and he anounces he's done while the door bell rings.

"Just on time! Thank you Jimin-ssi~"

Rushing to open the door, I find the Hyukjoon guy leaning on the wall.

"Oh! You look nice tonight~ Call Jimin so we can go"

I bow a little at the compliment and yell out Jimin's name so he appears by my side.

The drive to the club was rather short, we could've just walk, but Hyukjoon insisted that the three of us were celebrities and we shouldn't waste time walking.

The club was kinda crowded. My short experience remembers the clubs are not filled this much at 8:30, but looks like tonight everyone wanted to party.

We met with Keira and Camille outside, in the VIP line. Keira wears a short black dress and my eyes couldn't help but fall a bit over her breasts showing up from the deep cleavage, her eyes were natural but a cherry red lipstick made her plump lips look perfect. Camille was dressed with black leather pants, but the translucent shirt gave her that spicy touch for tonight, and the beautiful blue orbs of hers shine with the smocky makeup.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now