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Waiting for the sign to leave the place, we are sitting at the end of the line of parked cars after filming the missing scenes.

The staff made sure Yoongi and Jungkook were separated at least for three people during the recording.

"... and that's the reason for the bloody lip and the bandage in the abdomen"

"But you still don't know the reason for the fight?"
"Still? You know the reason?"

J-Hope moves uncomfortably in his sit.

"I can imagine... but won't say anything"
"Whatever, then"

Hoseok and I are sitting in the chairs of the bottom, away from the rest, he holds my cold hands with his warm ones, he's an skin-ship kind of guy.

"But for Jungkook's smirk, I can imagine you kida chose him over Suga"
"Why choosing between them? He was the closest to the place I was sitting and... Yoongi started the fight"
"That alcohol wasn't a good idea after all"

I sigh "Just to clarify, Jimin-ah had the idea"

Suddenly a body covers the moonlight that was illuminating mine and Hoseok's face.

"Come with me"

I raise my eyes finding a mint head, followed by pink cheeks because of the cold in the forest and a pair of cat-like eyes seemingly angry.

"She's cold, let her stay here"
Hoseok tries to stop Suga from taking me away from my comfortable place.

"Stay here... Holding your hands?"
But the Suga always knows how to talk back.

"Us holding hands has nothing to do with she leaving, relax Yoongi"
"Let her talk to me"
"She said you started the fight"
"That has nothing to do with her talking to me"

Both challenge each other with their eyes.

"Let her decide, then" Yoongi purposes
"Y/N, me or Hoseok?"

This is definitely a tricky question.

I look on Hoseok's eyes, which are pleading me to think a bit about it.
I don't want to hurt him.

But there's Yoongi besides, and even tho he started the fight, I know there's something about him that makes him a good guy.

Now what?

"I'll come back to you, Hoseok. Wait"

I see something like disappointment in his eyes but he sits back in his place defeated.

"Follow me"

Yoongi speaks while walking away without giving me a look.
I walk behind him for around five minutes into the forest, then we stop in front of a lake, with a fallen tree that we use as a sit.

He looks at the moon and I look down, finding my dirty Converse.

"You are always kind to me"

You finally realized

"I guess so..."
"But I've been treating you like shit"

Oh yes, you have.

"I guess so..."

He sighs, I guess my answers seems like I'm not really listening but I am listening, indeed.
His eyes now look at me intensively.

"I didn't start the fight"
"I saw you giving the first step that leaded to the fight"
"Jungkook can be convincing, doesn't him?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now