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Again insecure, in danger again
So bad why, we are, yeah
To withstand it more, to sustain it more
So hard, it can't

We've been friends for two years now, we grew closer since we're the same age. We're in a group of eight people, is obvious we would pair at some point. But I didn't planned to fall for someone.

Even if I knew already
I can't stop
No way no way no way
As time passes
It just becomes more ruined
No way no way it's collapsing again

Looked like he realized as well that our bond grew stronger and stronger as time passed, but we never dare to give any step farther, we just keep each other the closer we could.

As if there's no such thing as tomorrow
As if there's no such thing as a "next time"
Right now, in front of my eyes, everything without you
Is a terribly pitch-black darkness

But when I finally thought he would speak up about his feelings, he ran away from me, coming back the next day as if nothing happened.
Tho, whenever I tried to confess my feelings, a little voice in the back of my head stopped me so I never said how I felt.

I say it like a habit
We won't work in the end
Even so, I keep hoping
As long as I'm with you in the end as well, I'm okay

I know deep inside my love for him is stronger than than this, so it might live even if we end up with someone else, because it is evident we can't end up together.

Right now Jin, V, Jimin, Jungkook and I are rehearsing 'Outro: House of Cards' for the second mini album of The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, but as Jungkook sings looking at me and me only, makes me realize that this song we wrote together is the reflection of what we try to keep: a love that can't be grown.

Even if I knew already

I can't stop
No way no way no way
As time passes
It just becomes more ruined
No way no way it's collapsing again

When his big eyes looked at me, I knew his line is right, as much as we try, we can't keep a love that is growing in the shadows, everything needs a peek of sun. This won't work. We won't work.

Then the words of our manager sounds in my head:

"You all are teenagers, I know what is it to have hormones, but control it, none of you would get far if you try to keep a romance... just be friends instead"

A house made of cards, and us, inside
Even though the end is visible
Even if it's going to collapse soon
A house made of cards, we're like idiots
Even if it's a vain dream

As if our hearts were connected, I drop a single tear from my left eye while he does the same with his right eye.

He holds my hand understanding the pain. Yes, we wrote the song together, but only now, singing for each other, we realize what we really wanted to say.

This kind love we keep for each other can't be, won't be.

So maybe it's time to let go.

The song finishes with Jungkook and I holding one hand.
I come back to my senses and find Jin, Jimin and V looking at us confused, while Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi sit in front of the stage as confused as the rest.

Is this the end, then?

I let go of his hand and he hugs me tightly.


His voice sounds hurted but I can't say anything in return, my throat is dry.

"OKAY, DRINK SOME WATER AND GET READY FOR THE NEXT SONG" Someone says through the speakers and I walk to the corner to get my bottle of water.

Drinking water, Jin gets close to me and says with a sad look on his face:

"You need to remember that sometimes the best option is giving up on something... or someone"

I had a taste of this, I let go of Felix not much ago... But why does it hurts much more giving up on Jungkook?


She needs to let go of Jungkook to get in trouble with someone else. Don't worry this is still an OT7 thing haha x

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now