- ... When we're apart -

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"Guys..." Hoseok whispers softly between the two bodies "... You're crushing me" His hands tap softly Yoongi's back and the three break the hug.

"I need to take this off" Adora pointed to her outfit, face still red from the rush of emotions.

The three of them walk deeper in the venue towards the dressing room.

"Though... How did you get in?"
"We're BTS. We just told them we wanted to watch the show from the controller cabin and they said yes right away" Suga proudly states.
"That explains why I didn't see you in the crowd"

The first to enter the dressing room was Y/N, so she was the one to find them waiting for her.

Jin, with a face washed in worry; long brown hair, something she hasn't seen in him, and broad shoulders covered by an elegant gray shirt. Beside him, Namjoon; a blank expression in those dragon-like eyes and loose clothes in an olive green, the vibe completely opposite to the man to his left.

Yoongi and Hoseok entered the room shortly after, but it was too late to stop Adora from crying again.

She doesn't know why are they inside the room, but whatever outcome Jin has with him will surely make her cry.

"D- Don't cry, little one" Seokjin ran towards the messed up girl "Whatever your thinking it is not like that"

His arms held her waist tightly, forcing Y/N's face to lay over his chest, both heartbeats erratically sounding in unison.

"I came here to say how much I'd love to be by your side from today on" He whispered softly for her ears only "Being away from you made me realize my whole family was right... I know now that you're the right person for me... please let me be round you to cherish you with all I have"

Her arms hugged his neck stronger, like wanting to have Jin as close as possible.

"I promise I'll be the best planet you, moon, can orbit around"

That made Seokjin's lips twist in a sweet smile, finally letting the cloud of insecurities and worries dissipate, and be be replaced with the life and love Y/N's existence provides to him.

It felt like every piece of Y/N's broken heart were picked up and put in place slowly by each guy that owned a said piece.

Seokjin kissed Adora's temple softly, then let go of her so she can face the quiet man behind them.

Even if the current state of RM and Adora's situation was a stable one, her hands sweat and she forces herself to glup the knot in her throat; Namjoon's persona is enough to make her knees weak and he enjoys that effect for few seconds before walking, hands in pockets, painfully slow towards her.

"You ate the night, baby"

An proud small smile welcomed Adora, and she sighs relieved that the upset demeanor was her imagination only. She smiled with cherry red cheeks as the leader kisses her forehead lovingly.

The day after Namjoon came back from Malta, -after meeting with Adora- he told his six brothers about his doings for those last days, and how he decided to go back to her. Little did he knew, all of them had already made their own decisions, all of them would come back to home, to her.

RM has no time to hug her properly when whispers and tuds on the door interrupted the oh-so-long-awaited reunion.

It sounded as if the ones outside tried to decide who's the one entering first, but Yoongi wastes no time and devilishly opens the door for the ones outside to stop bickering.

Unexpectedly, three bodies fell, one over the other, at Sugas feet. Jungkook over his back, Taehyung's face over the chest of the youngest and finally Jimin resting over V's back. The image wining chuckles of the oldest and cutting the bickering of the youngest in the group.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now